Huddersfield Daily Examiner

Disruption is the future, not incrementa­l change


I was born and bred in Marsden. I can remember every year there were fires on the moors, that’s over 60 years, the grass and everything else seems to return. Duane Eddy, rock guitarist (pictured), 81; Koo Stark, actress and photograph­er, 63; Roger Taylor, pop musician (Duran Duran), 59; Joan Chen, actress (pictured), 58; Jet Li, actor, 56; Channing Tatum, actor, 39; Jon Lee, singer and actor, 37; John Isner, tennis player, 34. AS much as I hate disagreein­g with Mr Routledge I have to on this occasion. The idea that we wait for politician­s at Westminste­r to move on Climate Change (We lead the way in green legislatio­n, April 24) is to my mind a conservati­ve Whig view of history where change is incrementa­l and is a natural progressio­n.

Other historians believe that change in this country is forced on it through, largely, direct action and has been the case for centuries. Press freedom is a prime example. In the words of Michael Heseltine, ‘It took a riot...’.

We can’t wait until 2050. Some of us believe that it is already too late on the climate emergency and that we have already condemned the upcoming generation to a complete and utter global disaster. We old hippies warned of this 50 years ago but no-one listened. Now, they have no choice. It is here and it is accelerati­ng.

Britain went to war against Germany with a population that was anti-war, it created an atomic weapon without a vote and did so in the space of five years. So, in this country which doesn’t have a constituti­on, anything is possible. What is required to save us, other peoples and animals from the effects of extinction is on that scale.

Of course, it is not going to happen. People would prefer to see the recent hot weather as a good thing whereas, in reality, it is the harbinger of disasters to come. Extinction Rebellion did brilliantl­y in this first stage in WITHOUT having followed every bill enacted by Westminste­r this century I find myself worried well-meaning Cathie Minshull (Examiner, April 18) ‘Libraries can help with Universal Credit applicatio­ns’ is sharing a little knowledge which may prove dangerous.

In the late 90s and early 2000s Data Protection responsibi­lities lay with whichever party first converted sensitive personal informatio­n into digital form.

With the current UC applicatio­n process this is the claimant. With both the old paper form system and the telephone system which replaced it prior to UC it was the Department for Work and Pensions, or whatever they call themselves now.

The dreams of the new millennium didn’t factor for the ‘Dark Web’, ‘troll farms’, malware, viruses or scammers. But those who have been victim of identity theft are often still dealing with the aftermath six or seven years later.

As such it may be anyone making a ‘reclaim’ from an address already in the system is ‘safe’ under GDPR but anyone who has moved is shoulderin­g the full legal responsibi­lity themselves.

Perhaps we need an authoritat­ive feature, by a legal profession­al, on this matter?

 ??  ?? Wish you were there? Whitby at Dusk by Sean Doyle of Brockholes
Wish you were there? Whitby at Dusk by Sean Doyle of Brockholes
 ??  ??

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