Huddersfield Daily Examiner

Rashid out as Gale seeks response


YORKSHIRE will be without Adil Rashid for today’s Royal London One-Day Cup clash with Derbyshire at Emerald Headingley.

As agreed with England, the spinner played his third 50-over match in the defeat to Lancashire on Sunday and is so not available as he begins preparatio­ns for the World Cup.

David Willey, however, will play before joining up with the England squad in Cardiff on Saturday, while captain Steven Patterson returns after being rested against their Roses rivals. White Rose head coach Andrew Gale is looking for an immediate recovery from his side following their dramatic defeat to Lancashire on Sunday.

“The last two games, we’ve been nowhere near our best,” he told the club’s website. “I reckon we’ve played to 70 percent of our ability.

“The first game (against Leicesters­hire), we played really well and put a marker down. And we haven’t been able to back that up. But there’s five games left in the competitio­n. There’s still a lot of cricket.

“I’m confident that the boys will turn that around and get their thought processes right and their skills right under pressure.”

Gale admitted his side made costly mistakes against the

Red Rose when the visitors posted 311-6 and defended their target off the last ball when they bowled Yorkshire out for 310. He said: “We were under par in a few department­s. We did some good stuff. I thought the first half up until the last few overs, we were excellent. We would have settled for 280 or 290.

“Then, just as we were starting to get into the game in the second half, we made some stupid errors.

“We talk about being smart in the dressing room, and to get over the line in big chases, you need to be smart. There were periods where we weren’t, taking the long boundary on, taking the spinner on, whatever.

“We’re doing a lot of things right, but those key moments in the game, we’re just not making good decisions.”

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Adil Rashid

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