Huddersfield Daily Examiner

Personalit­ies will count in the next election


It’s not free for the council to dispose of tip waste. People will pay a couple of thousand pounds to redo their bathroom but not an extra few quid to dispose of their rubbish correctly. THE Conservati­ves seem to fear that an election would put Labour in office. Well, I wouldn’t worry about that.

People vote for personalit­ies not policies. Boris Johnson is even more likeable than Nigel Farage. Jeremy Corbyn resides at the other end of the spectrum where character flaws prevail.

Imagine what a Labour government would be like. The last Labour Prime Minister, Gordon Brown, stole the gold; Jeremy Corbyn would steal the silver. The next one would have to eat with his fingers.

That devious little Corbyn even wishes to steal the crown from Boris, by stealth, with his Cavalier supporters.

Like King Charles I they would support minorities, betray the people and complain when they get chopped.

Socialists hate democracy, referenda and elections because sometimes the majority wins, so they have to keep rolling the dice until they lose.

They have a special affinity for road humps and traffic lights. Economics falls outside their compass. Diane Abbot can’t tell if a million has two ‘0’s or three, or maybe even four.

That is why they want to remain in the EU so that the adding up can be done in Brussels where they excel at expenses fraud.

A popularity contest between Boris and Corbyn will be like choosing between cream and being creamed.

Cutting and pasting others’ viewpoints

I THINK most people would have more respect for M. Carter’s correspond­ence (

if he wasn’t simply cutting and pasting silly articles from the national newspaper(s) which he chooses to read.

Bowling club looking for new members

THE Greenhead park bowling club would like to attract men over the age of 60 to join our friendly club.

You don’t have to be a bowler we can teach you how to play. Don’t be lonely and come along. We currently have two teams – a six-man on Mondays and a 10-man on Tuesdays. Some also do Thursday for practice. Call 0148431082­9.

Confusion caused by change in tablets

IS our NHS embarking on a dangerous practice by allowing chemists etc to supply tablets which change their appearance by supplying different brands?

This is very confusing for those who take regular medication. No wonder some are rushed to hospital with overdoses or the effects of taking the wrong tablets.

Many who are not alert enough may not recognise the tablet.

Looking for the cheaper option is not a safe thing as many of the tablets are lifethreat­ening and in a confused person could cause a fatality.

The medication I take has become a gamble and that is not one a patient should be taking.

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