Huddersfield Daily Examiner

Why make an example of a vulnerable old man?


ST Peter’s Gardens has always been a haven for ‘problem people’ amid its splendour for years. I remember as a boy, decades ago, spending time there, but being wary of drunks and others

Today’s explosion of particular­ly young people with problems could simply be a result of an austerity-driven decade of cuts, and attacks on the young and other vulnerable people. Of course, it is up to individual­s to rise above it and try to better themselves, but it looks like these individual­s may feel society has abandoned them.

‘Mad Mick’ Folan has long been associated with them, and this part of town, and he has been notoriousl­y demonized – but in reality, like so many in society with mental health problems, it is obvious he cannot really cope with his problems and has been discarded. Why he is constantly hauled before the courts, time and again, at his age is frankly ridiculous. What is the point of making a celebrity villain out of a vulnerable old man?

An easy target for self appointed magistrate­s to make an example of, and show that justice has seen to be done?

Enough of the circus – let’s vote again


SO the the silly season continues apace! Boris leads a bull by the nose, poses with a background of police officers in Wakefield in a clear electionee­ring stunt, and in an ‘et tu Brute’ moment, is stabbed in the back by his brother and fellow MP!

And now Cameron, the chief architect of this political mess, unleashes his fury at Boris in his memoirs. Not the best start for a new PM!

Over the years Boris has provided us with great amusement, but it is time this circus left town, as we are not being governed. The referendum was put in the Tory manifesto by David Cameron as a sop to his right wingers - one of whom, Jacob Rees Mogg, was pictured reclining half asleep on the government benches. The message this Leader of the House was giving was that he couldn’t care less.

I think a second referendum should take place as soon as possible. Once that is settled we should have an election, as with no majority we are ungovernab­le and the ensuing chaos would continue.

If a second referendum is called, I shall vote, and hope it will result in “peace in our time.”

We deserve to be expelled from the EU

BRITISH people aged 45 plus will remember the first Brexit Referendum in 1975, when Remain got double the Leave vote.

I wish people would stop referring to the 2016 Brexit Referendum as the first one, when it was the second one, with a much narrower 52-48 vote only marginally in favour of Leave.

So, the next Brexit Referendum will be the third (in nearly 50 years): ...“best out of three”?

If the French exclude us from the EU, as their President De Gaulle did for years in the 1960s, it’ll be what we deserve. It’s not the “hokey cokey”!

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Are disabled spaces advisory?
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