Huddersfield Daily Examiner

Fighter Cowley shows true grit in Town battle


game in charge against Sheffield Wednesday last week and it alone was designed to reverberat­e throughout the club, from top to bottom.

Amid a sea of understand­able but equally dangerous indifferen­ce and apathy – an indifferen­ce and apathy in any perceived absence of any form of fighting spirit – Cowley emerged from the weekend’s defeat as a voice of defiance.

The message and tone suggested that, despite only being at the club for a little over a week since their appointmen­t, the Cowley brothers have quickly got a gauge of the situation and Sunday’s defeat reaffirmed that it will take a gargantuan amount of hard work and effort to turn around Town.

First and foremost, however, everyone affiliated with the club has to be on the same page.

Perhaps as a result of their arduous journey through non-league football and subsequent­ly the lower leagues of the EFL, the Cowley brothers have developed a relentless work ethic and a hardened grit, resilience, and determinat­ion.

The hope will be that the longer this group of players are around the new manager and his assistant, the more likely it is that a number of these qualities will begin to rub off on them. Whereas the well-documented burning ambition of the two brothers is there for all to see, the promise lies in the almost bullish approach that Danny Cowley is looking to take. Rather than ducking the issue or apportioni­ng blame elsewhere, it is apparent that he is more than willing to confront these issues head on and stand up in the face of adversity.

However, as Cowley stressed in his postmatch comments, it is important to do so in a constructi­ve manner.

With a group of players who are suffering from a crisis of confidence and prone to despondenc­y and dejection following any form of setback, criticism is only going to further damage morale.

Instead, support and reassuranc­e is what is required and what is being presented to them by the Cowley brothers. There is no doubt that this

There is no doubt this a test of manmanagem­ent that will

push the Cowleys

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