Huddersfield Daily Examiner

We’re dreaming of a GREY Christmas



ANYONE dreaming of a white Christmas in Huddersfie­ld is likely to be disappoint­ed.

Christmas Eve and Christmas Day are expected to see low pressure sitting over the UK – bringing strong winds and heavy rain.

Salendine Nook-based Examiner weather expert Paul Stevens said Christmas was more likely to be grey rather than white and “rather cold.”

However, Paul reckons the white stuff may come back later on next week – with rain turning to snow, particular­ly for the East Coast.

Other parts of Yorkshire may get snow on Christmas Day, however.

According to, which uses a combinatio­n of USA, German and UK Met Office systems, there could be some snowfall in Craven, North Yorkshire.

People living there have the highest likelihood of waking up to snow – with possible light snow around 7am on Christmas Day.

If you live elsewhere, you may not be so lucky.

The Met Office defines a year as having a white Christmas if there is at least one snowflake observed falling in the 24 hours of December 25 somewhere in the UK.

According to the Met Office, the last widespread white Christmas in the UK was in 2010.

The Met Office recorded snow on the ground at 83% of weather stations – the highest percentage on record – and snow or sleet also fell at 19% of stations.

The Met Office says: “In terms of the statistica­l likelihood of snow based on climatolog­y, we know that a snowflake has fallen somewhere in the UK on Christmas Day 38 times in the last 54 years, so we can probably expect more than half of all Christmas Days to be a ‘white Christmas.’

“However, the Dickensian scene of widespread snow lying on the ground on Christmas Day is much rarer.

“There has only been a widespread covering of snow on the ground – where more than 40% of stations in the UK reported snow on the ground at 9am – four times in the last 51 years.”

 ??  ?? Examiner weather expert Paul Stevens says there’s not much chance of snow in Huddersfie­ld on Christmas Day
Examiner weather expert Paul Stevens says there’s not much chance of snow in Huddersfie­ld on Christmas Day SIMON MORLEY

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