Huddersfield Daily Examiner

The gym can be quite at first ... you feel like a new girl at school


SHE regularly hits the gym to ensure her physique is always in tip-top condition, so it’s no surprise that Christine McGuinness has become a fitness influencer in her own right. Here, the busy mum-of-three and wife to TV presenter Paddy McGuinness gives us the lowdown on her health and wellbeing routine... different gyms. When we finish doing up our house we’ll have our own gym though and I don’t know how that’s going to work! Whether we’ll have to take it in turns.

I try and do around four to five days a week in the gym, but Paddy’s so busy filming Top Gear at the moment that he only gets into the gym once a week.

He goes to a very macho gym that I probably wouldn’t feel comfortabl­e in.

I just go to the one around the corner that’s light, airy and very local.

TO BE patient and stick at it. It takes time to see a difference with your body and for you to get into the routine of making it a part of your lifestyle.

The gym is a completely normal part of my day now and it’s unusual for me not to go.

I’m always surprised that it’s not more of a regular thing in people’s day, because it’s so important for your health.

That hour in the gym is completely for me.

I get a lot of mums messaging me saying they haven’t got time or can’t afford a gym membership – which I totally understand and respect – but when I had the twins I worked out at home.

They didn’t start school until they were five so for all of those years I worked out in the living room when they were asleep.

So stick at it and don’t make excuses, because that time is for you and it’s worth it in the end.

Christine McGuinness is working with wellness brand Eve Sleep, as part of its Right to Sleep campaign, to lobby the UK Government to recognise sleep as a fundamenta­l human right. Sign the petition by heading online to

THEY contain vitamins E and K. Vitamin K is essential in forming clots to prevent bleeding after injury, while vitamin E helps you produce red blood cells which carry oxygen.

PINE nuts are also rich in manganese and zinc. Manganese helps maintain your body’s hormone balance and connective tissue strength, while zinc supports your immune system and aids in wound healing.

PINE nuts are full of iron and magnesium. Iron plays a key role in helping your body transport oxygen, while magnesium is essential for healthy teeth and bones.

DEATHS from liver cancer have increased by around 50% in the past decade, an analysis of mortality data by Cancer Research UK showed.

Around 5,700 such deaths occurred in 2017 in the UK, the highest yearly number ever recorded. This compared with 3,200 deaths in 2007.

The charity attributed the trend to a 60% rise in the number of people having liver cancer diagnosed in the past decade and to increases in obesity, diabetes and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease.

New treatments and better prevention could help tackle the trend, it said.

NEARLY half of adults over 75 may be dehydrated, increasing their risk of health problems.

Patients hospitalis­ed with a stroke while low on fluids are more than twice as likely to suffer impairment­s later.

People might need to train themselves to drink water, rather than waiting for a thirst, Medical News Today reports.

 ??  ?? What’s the best fitness tip you’ve ever been given?
Christine McGuinness says being patient and sticking at it are the best bits of fitness advice she’s received
What’s the best fitness tip you’ve ever been given? Christine McGuinness says being patient and sticking at it are the best bits of fitness advice she’s received
 ??  ?? Christine and husband Paddy
Christine and husband Paddy
 ??  ?? Dehydratio­n in old age can be a risk
Dehydratio­n in old age can be a risk

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