Huddersfield Daily Examiner

Criticism of new LED lights – but is this warranted?


Seen lots of managers come and go since I entered the amazing Leeds Road in 1979 for the first time. Lots of them not even worth rememberin­g! Arise Sir David. Will always remember him fondly.


(pictured), 54.


THE new bright blue-white LED lights the Council has imposed on us have been criticised by the Internatio­nal Dark Skies Associatio­n, the Campaign for Rural England, the British and American Medical Associatio­ns, Public Health England and biologists and astronomer­s everywhere.

They were installed with no democratic process and no discussion by elected members.

It will take 10 years to claw back the cost of installing these lights. Why did the Council not make it 11 or 12 years and install civilised lighting? Why must we suffer lighting that is ugly and stressful, demonstrab­ly harmful to human beings and wildlife and that poisons the night sky with glare?

Should we put up with it? Not if we are environmen­tally aware.

The claim of our Council that it is environmen­tally-friendly is revealed as a marketing strategy with no substance. We should not allow Council engineers, with no democratic oversight, to inflict this kind of environmen­tal damage and lower our quality of life in this way.

Opposition is growing globally and it seems likely that in the end councils will have to modify this lighting in response to environmen­tal, aesthetic, public safety and social-cohesion concerns raised by objectors.

I would encourage our elected members to fight for an extension to the cost-recovery period and insist on modificati­ons to render these lights bearable for residents of the borough, human or otherwise.

If we care at all about our night-time environmen­t we should not let this matter drop. emergency, more than 60 per cent of street lighting in Kirklees (6,380 lights) has been converted to environmen­tally-friendly LEDs.

This scheme has already reduced electricit­y use by 3,025,378kwh – which is the equivalent of running 18,116 television­s for four hours every day for a year.”

Turn back the clock to get town buzzing

I READ in the how Huddersfie­ld bought the title from the Ramsden family and became the town that bought itself.

It was an old mill town that was worth coming to but it was a disaster becoming part of Kirklees.

From then on it was downhill. With so many shops closing it’s a wonder anybody visits anymore.

It is like an old Western ghost town. We need to turn back the clock to get the town bustling again.

Too much food and too little exercise

A STUDY at a university suggests that food labels should carry details of how many calories you need to burn off after consuming the product.

After all the Christmas and New Year excesses will we all be down the gym or out cycling to obey the food labels?

Our kids are now suffering with too much grub and too little exercise.

During the war years rationing made sure you got what your body needed. Now, in our world of plenty, it is hard.

We have come from a world of little and fitness to a world of plenty and unfitness.

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