Huddersfield Daily Examiner

HEALTH & Crash new year diets are awful... you have to think long term


IT’S the same routine every January. A slew of new self-help books, articles and slimming blogs encourage you to ‘be your best self’, often by adopting a radical new diet that promises to blitz those spare inches around your waist for good.

The problem is, many crash diets encourage periods of miserable fasting and cutting out sometimes entire food groups overnight, and demonise food to the point where preparing a meal becomes an ordeal.

According to fitness guru

Joe Wicks – who has successful­ly helped thousands of people to lose weight – staying on these restrictiv­e diets for a long period of time is often unrealisti­c and unhealthy. Even if you do lose weight initially, it’s not unusual to gain it again before the spring comes around.

Thankfully, attitudes around diet culture are changing. A new survey commission­ed by recipe box company Gousto ( has found more than two-thirds (68%) of UK adults believe the one-size-fits-all model just doesn’t work.

So, how can you shed those excess pounds in a safe and effective way? We asked Joe to give us some quick tips...


“IT’S the time of year now where everyone wants to make changes to their life, whether that’s with exercise or food, but the last thing you want to do – especially if you’re someone who really loves food – is to go on a low-calorie diet,” says Joe, 33.

“Sure, it will work in the shortterm and you’ll probably lose weight on the scales, but emotionall­y it’s going to absolutely ruin you. You’re going to be so exhausted, you won’t enjoy it and it’s not going to be a sustainabl­e approach.

“Try to think about a long-term vision, as opposed to a quick crash diet. Incorporat­e it with exercise and cooking with fresh ingredient­s at home; you’re much more likely to succeed throughout the year.”


“BECAUSE they’re awful, aren’t they? Dieting is normally all about how little you can eat and how much exercise you can do. When you combine those two things, it affects your sleep, your mood and your energy levels.

“If I could give you one tip, it’s to focus on getting yourself moving instead. I always tell people to start

No shortterm fixes:

Left: with 15-20 minutes a day of exercise at home; this will get your energy levels up and your self-esteem boosted.

“Exercising is going to have a massive effect on your food choices and your ability to go into the kitchen and cook yourself something healthy.

“Trying to do everything all at once is a bit much,” he adds.

“Focus on your fitness first, and

the rest will hopefully follow.”


“HAVE a look at your portion control. I’m not saying to count calories, but to keep your plate to a healthy size. The good thing about exercise is that it elevates your mental health and your mood so much that you don’t want to go and put junk food in your body afterwards.

If I could give you one tip, it’s to focus on getting yourself moving instead. I always tell people to start with 15-20 minutes a day of exercise at home; this will get energy levels up and your self-esteem boosted...

“I really think it’s great to have chopped tomatoes, coconut milk, curry powder, spices and tins of lentils, pulses, grains and beans in your cupboard. With these key ingredient­s, you can make really amazing veggie curries, or you could throw some chicken in there for some extra protein. Rice is also a great staple for making quick stir-fries after work.

“There’s no magic fat-loss food; it’s all about getting a good balance of everything and getting lots of fruits and veg in your diet.

“It’s good to be a bit intuitive with it – ask yourself what foods make you feel energised and healthy?

“Don’t think you have to jump onto a certain diet because everyone else is doing it.”


“I eat a lot of veggie meals.

“During the process of researchin­g and writing my veggie cookbook, Veggie Lean in 15 (£16.99, Pan Macmillan), I realised that you can get really amazing food as a vegetarian. I’m still not fully committed to going

hardcore vegan though.”


“I think you have to remove that time barrier from your mind.

“We know full well that we can smash a Netflix series in a couple of days or watch our soaps, so we can all find half an hour to exercise or cook well – if we prioritise it.

“It doesn’t need to be hours in the kitchen either.

“My whole philosophy with my Lean in 15 series is that you can make a really healthy and nutritious meal in just 15 minutes, and have some leftover for lunch the next day.

“It’s that kind of mentality of prepping in advanced and being organised that works in the long-run.”

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lifestyle changes are the route to weight loss.
Stock up on beans and other pulses
Prioritise exercise over diets
Joe Wicks, right, says sustainabl­e lifestyle changes are the route to weight loss. Stock up on beans and other pulses Prioritise exercise over diets
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