Huddersfield Daily Examiner

Bogus taxi driver who attacked woman locked up


- By BEN ABBISS @BenAbbiss

A bogus taxi driver picked up a woman and drove her home before attacking her and trying to strangle her.

Yonis Abraham, 27, picked his victim up in Marsh in the early hours of March 24 last year in what the woman thought was a taxi.

He drove to her home, where he asked if he could have a drink of water.

Once inside he launched a violent attack on the woman, attempting to strangle her.

Abraham, of Swan Lane, Lockwood, was disturbed by the woman’s housemates when his victim shouted for help.

He fled the house but West Yorkshire Police officers managed to identify and arrest him as a result of further enquiries.

Abraham has now been sentenced to four years in prison following a trial at Leeds Crown Court.

Det Insp Mark Catney, senior investigat­ing officer in the case, said: “Abraham’s inflicted a terrifying assault on his victim and we are pleased to see him sentenced at court.

“It is fortunate she was spared serious injuries by the interventi­on of her housemates and it is thanks to them that this dangerous man was unable to proceed further with his attack, the ultimate motive for which he has never disclosed.

“Detectives mounted a thorough investigat­ion into this offence and we hope seeing Yonis Abraham brought to justice may bring his victim some comfort.

“I also want to praise her bravery in supporting the prosecutio­n and reassure all victims that officers will do all they can to support victims and seek justice for them.”

 ??  ?? Yonis
Abraham, 27, posed as a taxi driver and tried to strangle a woman in Huddersfie­ld WEST YORKSHIRE
Yonis Abraham, 27, posed as a taxi driver and tried to strangle a woman in Huddersfie­ld WEST YORKSHIRE POLICE

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