Huddersfield Daily Examiner



An inspiratio­nal slimmer who lost 5st 7lb as a member of Slimming World and has kept the weight off for years has reached the semi-finals of a national competitio­n to celebrate her achievemen­t.

After losing weight herself, Emma Hoyle now runs her own Slimming World group in Birkby, supporting members to make healthy, lifelong changes and achieve their dreams. Emma was one of 30 Consultant­s from across the UK and Ireland to bag a place in the finals, which celebrates Consultant­s who have successful­ly adopted a new healthy lifestyle and acknowledg­es the under-recognised achievemen­t of keeping weight off in the long term. All Slimming World Consultant­s have lost weight following the plan and learning new healthy habits at a local group. At her heaviest she weighed 16st 8lb and found both her health and confidence were suffering.

So in September 2014 the now 37-year-old joined a local Slimming World group, reaching her target weight of 11st 2.5lb in December 2016 and has kept it off ever since - an incredible 3 years 1 month.

She follows Slimming World’s Food Optimising eating plan and says: “I joined Slimming World and realised early on that I would still be able to eat and enjoy real food without ever feeling hungry or deprived. It’s not a diet, it’s a lifestyle and I knew that this was the plan for me. I can still enjoy all of my favourite dishes and I discovered loads of new recipes from my group each week, along with how to prepare and cook things differentl­y. Sharing tips and ideas and urging each other on to achieve our goals or being there to lift each other up when the going gets a little tough is what groups are all about. I know that’s been a key part to my success!

“I was apprehensi­ve when I first walked through the doors of my Slimming World group, but it is without doubt one of the best decisions I’ve ever made. Before Slimming World, I was suffering with post-natal depression. I couldn’t see a light at the end of the tunnel, but Group helped and encouraged me to feel more confident and I have such a positive outlook on life now.

After losing 5st 7lb and reaching her target weight, Emma discovered a passion for supporting others to achieve their weight-loss dreams and decided to train to become a Slimming World Consultant. Now she helps around 40 slimmers at her group which is held every Thursday at 6.30pm at St Cuthbert’s Church, Birkby. Emma says: “Before I lost the weight, I could never imagine doing some of things I do now, my confidence has increased so much. My worries about my weight consumed me and I found it very difficult to do many simple things I now enjoy, like walking my children to school or dressing up for nights out. Since joining Slimming World it’s as though a whole new world has been opened up to me. I might have lost weight, yet I’ve gained so much more. I have a new zest for life and, of course, my own business! My Consultant was such a key part of my journey that the opportunit­y to do something for people in a similar situation just seemed perfect.

“I’ve learned so much at the Slimming World Training Academy and benefitted from the advice of some fantastic trainers who have bags of experience when it comes to helping people to achieve their weight-loss dreams. I used to think that losing weight was one of the best feelings ever - I was wrong though because helping others and watching them transform, grow in confidence and do things they’ve always dreamed of is even better!” “Of course, losing weight is just one part of the journey - being able to keep it off is another equally

Anyone wanting to find out more or get support with their own weight loss is welcome to join Emma’s Birkby group.

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