Huddersfield Daily Examiner

Internet trolls should be named and shamed


CAROLINE Flack is just the latest victim of the internet, and only getting attention because of her involvemen­t with Love Island.

But did you know that Jesus had some harsh words about what we say?

He said: “What you say in the dark will be heard in the light; and what you spoke in secret will be proclaimed from the housetops.”

And to make it plain he also said: “I tell you that every useless word that men will speak will be held against them on the day of judgement.”

And as for effects of speech, he said this: “Things that cause people to sin will come; but woe to the person through whom they come. It is better for them if the huge mill stone were put around their neck and they were thrown into the sea, than that one of these little ones were upset.”

Listen up, Mark Zuckerberg and your fellow media moguls. There is one simple thing you can do. Abolish all anonymous posts. Post names and addresses of all who tweet.

I have never been afraid to put my name to what I say. This should apply to all. Trolls should be known.

While polite and reasoned argument should be allowed, lies and hate-speech should be traceable.

Don’t hide behind a fake name. Have the guts to be known – and take the consequenc­es.

Shop owner has right to make applicatio­n

WITH regards to the Highburton shop February 18).

First of all I would like to know out of all the objections gone into Planning how many people actually use this shop?

PCS, the landlord, has all the rights to do what he wants with this property. It is his property at the end of the day and the tenant downstairs will have known the lease would come to an end some time when he signed it.

If anything the petitions should be going in for all the businesses closing in the town centre.

The people of Highburton managed for several years without a store. I’m sure they will again.

When a lease is up on your car, you can’t just throw the dummy out of the pram and say ‘I’m keeping the car. I’m not handing it back.’

PCS have the right to put the planning applicatio­n in. It’s their building.

Our laws must make rest of world laugh

PEOPLE around the world must be having a good old laugh at our laws. A doctor gets three life sentences yet he must only serve 15 years – that’s five years per life sentence.

Seven rapists get 55 years – about seven-and-a-half years apiece. Now the worst woman paedo is out of jail having only served 10 years.

They should be locked up for good.

Council re-enact the Enclosures

COUNCILLOR Turner sympathise­s with allotment holders does he February 5)? Yes like a crocodile.

He is typical of a council hell bent at getting its own way no matter what.

This council ignors public views whether on building on flood plains against informed local views, or robbing alottment holders of their plots.

Allotments of land were allocated to people after the enclosure acts of between 1750 and 1860 when lands were closed to use by the peasantry. Now Kirklees Council is enacting it all over again - disgusting.

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