Huddersfield Daily Examiner

‘It sounds like the start of War of the Worlds’

- By NICK LAVIGUEUR @grecian9

MANY of us are struggling to get decent sleep in these anxiety inducing times.

Residents in one part of Huddersfie­ld had even more cause to lose some valuable shut eye on Monday night – a disturbing noise that kept dozens of them awake.

And in these dystopian times, Golcar residents took to Facebook to check if the chilling noise was the start of the War of the Worlds.

Posting at 1am, one commented that they were usually a “heavy sleeper” but had been woken by the hideous noise.

They said: “OMG what is all that noise...can anyone else hear it, sounds like metal clashing?”

“I can hear it too, what the hell is it?” asked another.

Others said they could hear it as far away as Linthwaite, Longwood and Crosland Moor, with another commenter claiming they were woken three times and ended up ringing West Yorkshire Police.

Thankfully there were some in the

know to explain the unpleasant grating sound.

They revealed it was in fact heavy engineerin­g works on the rail lines.

Network Rail staff were busy ripping out rail lines overnight and loading them onto trucks.

Steve Barnes, head of works delivery for Network Rail, said: “Firstly, we would like to apologise for the lack of clear communicat­ion about work taking place on the railway near Golcar.

“This was due to the method of work changing in line with government guidance about safe working practices in relation to the coronaviru­s.

“Network Rail engineers carried out work to remove old pieces of rail from the area, following work to renew the track. This is vital work which will mean the railway can continue running reliably and safely and keeping key workers, as well as medical and food supplies, moving. This work will continue overnight until Friday, April 3.

“We are really sorry for any impact which this work has. We are committed to keeping noise to a minimum and we would like to thank all those affected for their understand­ing.”

 ??  ?? Mysterious loud noises that some thought sounded like a Martian invasion from the War of the Worlds, above, were revealed to have a more earthly origin
Mysterious loud noises that some thought sounded like a Martian invasion from the War of the Worlds, above, were revealed to have a more earthly origin

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