Huddersfield Daily Examiner

Give us a bit of variety when it comes to shops


AS a man who loves his once a week fish and chips, I must say in Marsh there are plenty to choose from.

Reading that Gables Funeral Service could become another fish and chip shop is simply ridiculous.

I think all the suburbs of this town need variety for people who shop in them and in Marsh there are too many food shops already.

Bless my belly button if we eat at all these every week. We would be as big as Fatty Arbuckle!

Variety, one might say, is the spice of life.

We have some fine shops in Marsh but I don’t think a pet shop would go amiss.

People with pets have to go elsewhere as we know from looking after my budgies.

The council needs to think about having too many shops selling the same things.

Will they all survive?

Please think again about turning the Gables into a food shop.

Let’s all watch out for each other

THE mind is a very complicate­d part of the body. So many thoughts go through it and so many emotions.

What some can shut off, others are worried by.

We may think we know a person but we cannot read their thoughts.

For those who suffer mental health problems it is difficult to know what the cause might be.

TV personalit­y Caroline Flack, for example, looked to have it all - beauty, brains and talent.

But we are all vulnerable to the pressures of life and nobody knows what their breaking point is.

Getting to talk to a friend is therapeuti­c and can be the difference between recovery and a downward spiral.

In these troubled times let’s all be there for each other.

The council wants to take back allotments

IT was bound to happen. All the spare land the council has no use for, much of it used for allotments for many years, is now wanted back to cater for the council’s building policy.

Years of hard work and pride has gone into the allotments but what Big Brother wants, Big Brother gets.

The might of the council over the allotment holder is a David v Goliath fight. If the council loses it goes off to court and appeals until it gets the result it wants.

Who is paying for these appeals? That’s right, us.

The number of homes wanted by councils is enormous.

The fields and quiet country villages will be unrecognis­able in the future as roads are struggling to cope with the amount of traffic already. Villages are now suffering.

I suppose we can all go up Castle Hill and see from above what a mess our council makes.

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