Huddersfield Daily Examiner

Company keeps it clean


- By ALISTAIR RYDER @examiner

A COMPANY who help recover buildings from natural disasters are now helping to fight back against the pandemic.

Advanced ChemDry in Longwood is a disaster recovery company who also specialise in carpet and upholstery cleaning.

However, once lockdown was announced, they found that many of their usual clients were hesitant to invite them back to clean.

Owner Darrel Sykes realised that many of the cleaning products the company uses when doing “deep cleans” of buildings were certified to kill the SARS virus, a strain which is similar to Covid-19.

So they switched their focus to helping make buildings Covid secure, with clients including the John Smith’s Stadium hiring them for precaution­ary deep cleans to make sure their grounds were free of the virus.

Darrel Sykes said: “Our carpet and upholstery cleaning business dropped dead overnight once Boris said that we’re locking down, so we knew we had to diversify in order to survive. People don’t want you in their homes right now, after all.

“We already had the equipment to sanitise flooded buildings, and we became key workers overnight as we helped to dry out and clean flooded properties in the region.

“We have clients like the John Smith’s Stadium, we’ve cleaned their carpets for years. Before the season was postponed, we went in and sanitised their changing rooms so it was all up to scratch, and then the FA cancelled the season. But from there, we started hearing from clients around Yorkshire who wanted a similar service.

“We’re using products that have been tried and tested against SARS, the sister virus of Covid-19. The virus “kill rate” scale goes up to seven - most hand sanitisers only go up to three, but these go up to six. It is more effective at getting rid of the virus on a surface than bleach.

“We’re doing office cleaning now, and going down to shops before they open to the public, focusing on the hotspots at all places. These are things like shared toilets, keyboards on people’s desks, and door handles.

“Next week we’re going to start going back onto building sites as major home builders start resuming work, cleaning all the site cabins where the workers spend time.”

 ??  ?? A member of Advanced ChemDry staff cleaning a washroom at the John Smith’s Stadium
A member of Advanced ChemDry staff cleaning a washroom at the John Smith’s Stadium

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