Huddersfield Daily Examiner

Media must play its part in rebuilding confidence


I CANNOT believe that any normal person would not be appalled by the disgusting images of the violent death of George Floyd.

While I understand the need to report the event of his death, to show the agony of his death, so graphicall­y can also be argued to be sadistic in the extreme.

It would appear that the media is so insensitiv­e in its determinat­ion to shock, it disregards personal privacy.

No fair-minded person will fail to understand the very deeply held feeling of horror felt by his family, friends and the wider community.

Surely this would have been the same in relation to all human beings, whatever their colour?

While I understand the outrage and the outpouring of grief within the United States of America, where, one can argue, incitement to hatred is not unknown, it should certainly be dealt with by the rule of law. Unfortunat­ely, various members of the media have not aided a peaceful path to justice.

The situation has been so inflamed that healing the huge divisions is going to require much community action.

While I agree that ‘Black Lives Matter,’ I believe All Lives Matter, whether affected by religion, race, inequality of opportunit­y, or any forms of hatred.

We must all come together to understand that, whatever, the crime, each individual has the right to protection under the law, as have all victims.

In order to learn by the mistakes of the past, we should not attempt to be judge, jury and hangman on every person involved in historical events, which we find unacceptab­le.

If we try to wipe out knowledge of the atrocities of the past, how will that help us provide a future where all individual­s are considerat­e to others, while at the same time, allowing for free debate and freedom of speech?

Regrettabl­y mass protests often allow small groups of people to engage with social media to move outside normal parameters of reason. It is so easy for criminal elements to hi-jack peaceful protests. This often demeans the reason for the protest.

At a time, when the coronaviru­s has caused huge disruption to our lives, would it not be more helpful if the media concentrat­ed on trying to build people’s confidence in their own and their country’s future?

There are so many things for which we should be thankful and while sympathisi­ng and offering to help those in difficult circumstan­ces, highlight all that is good in the world.

We have to do right thing to combat virus

WITH regard to the letter from John Dearden

At last someone who can see further than a left-wing point of view regarding the provision and procuremen­t of PPE for the NHS.

There has been mountains of negativity shown toward our Government. News media has hyped and ramped up pressure toward it.

At the evening news conference time-after-time a Government minister will be asked asinine questions which are generally loaded and in some cases extremely rude in an attempt to ridicule.

People need to get behind our Government and support the work it and its teams are doing.

Some news media and leftwing politician­s need to be more positive rather than knocking others. This shows a lack of any ideas of their own.

We should remember that the Government does not make every decision regarding every aspect of trying to combat this pandemic.

There are hundreds of department­s and thousands of people in every corner of the country.

Commonsens­e from us to do the right thing is paramount in beating this virus.

By doing the right thing we help save ourselves and we help save others. Stay safe.

If some wish to play the Blame Game think how this all started. We are but bit players.

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