Huddersfield Daily Examiner

Who will I see in the loo? Boris, Gandalf or someone new?


VISITS to the loo are solitary affairs. Unless you spot an unfamiliar face watching you in the lino.

We must all have done it, when the mind wanders and you spot unusual configurat­ions in flooring, curtains, toast or inanimate objects that your imaginatio­n interprets as faces.

Over the years, I’ve had a bearded prophet, an American Indian and a mysterious lady in a hood among my visitors to the loo. Once they’ve caught my attention, I have found myself looking for them next time I visit, and give them back stories and identities. I’ll admit I’ve chatted to them and told them jokes. I mean, to be stuck in the floor covering isn’t much of a life, is it?

I have thought they could be from another dimension, peeking into our world. If so I would have thought there would be better places to lurk than in a lavatory. Perhaps better locations are more expensive for inter dimensiona­l tourists.

“Last time I was in someone’s chamber of convenienc­e. Not the best experience and people kept walking on me. Next time can you put me in some nice comfy curtains so I can see more of social life? Or on the front of one of those quaint transporta­tion vehicles?”

Recently I found a wise man in the vinyl that I equated with Gandalf from Lord of the Rings. It wasn’t him, of course. But I thought he could be a less famous wizard from Middle Earth. Nothing wrong with cultivatin­g a friendship. Everybody needs a little magic in their life.

But the next time I looked, he’d gone. And who was in his place but Boris Johnson. The Prime Minister is lurking in my bathroom.

To put everyone at ease who sees these faces, like I do, I discovered the phenomenon is called facial pareidolia, which is the psychologi­cal phenomenon of seeing faces in inanimate objects.

Some are more prone to seeing them than others. This is the result of having a well-wired brain. Nobody told me that before so it’s nice to know my brain is well wired. Is yours?

But having Boris on the floor is a bit much. Has my substitute Gandalf played a trick?

Come back hooded lady, before Gandalf imposes Dominic Cummings as well.

 ??  ?? Come back hooded lady
Come back hooded lady

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