Huddersfield Daily Examiner

Hopes for happyNews end to hotel saga


- Local Democracy Reporter @LdrTony

THE sorry saga of Huddersfie­ld’s much-loved and long-neglected George Hotel is entering its final stages.

Kirklees Council has now presented its bid to bag the National Museum for Rugby League for the town. The charity Rugby League Cares will choose the winner.

If Kirklees is successful the facility will once again be housed within the hotel – famed for being the birthplace of the sport in 1895.

The council, vying with Wigan for the museum, expects a decision within days.

Senior councillor and deputy leader of the council, Peter McBride, was optimistic about a successful conclusion.

He said: “There’s every indication that we will achieve that status. It’s not absolutely nailed on yet but we’ve gone as far as we can to ensure that that might be possible.”

Leading the team presenting the Huddersfie­ld bid is Karl Battersby, the council’s strategic director for economy and infrastruc­ture.

He said the museum was the key to attracting “significan­t investment” in the Grade II*listed Victorian hotel with “at least part of it coming into operation reasonably quickly”.

Mr Battersby described the George as “iconic”, “much-loved” and “a key focus” of the council’s £250m regenerati­on plans for Huddersfie­ld.

He said: “When we consult the public and stakeholde­rs and ask them what they would like to see in Huddersfie­ld, the bringing back into life of the George Hotel is always probably in the top three projects that people list.”

Rugby League Cares, the charity in charge of the museum, wanted “a very firm commitment” from the council that it owned and controlled the building that would house it. By acquiring the hotel the council has given that assurance.

Mr Battersby said the combinatio­n of acquiring the hotel and a successful museum bid could lead to investment totalling more than £4m from a variety of funding pots.

The nearby Grade II-listed Estate Buildings, on Railway Street, is also set to benefit from the cash.

Mr Battersby said the council expected a decision “if not this week then early next week”.

He said an unsuccessf­ul bid would mean the ground floor and basement of the hotel – currently allocated towards the museum – would be available for conversion works.

He revealed that whilst the council was preparing its so-called Huddersfie­ld Blueprint “a number of people” within the private sector had expressed interest in working with the authority as owner of the George.

“I can’t for commercial­ly confidenti­al reasons say who those people are at this stage.

“But clearly our priority is to get the rugby league museum and also to see the rest of the building redevelope­d as well.

“That would very much be a win-win for us.” Referring to the delicate negotiatio­ns over the hotel with current owner Dr Altaf Hussain, Council Leader Clr Shabir Pandor said: “While negotiatio­ns take place we cannot make things public otherwise we will basically show our cards to the other person who is selling the building. In any negotiatio­n we need to make sure that we get the best deal for the public.”

 ??  ?? The landmark
Victorian George Hotel
in Huddersfie­ld,
which is to pass into local authority ownership KIRKLEES COUNCIL
The landmark Victorian George Hotel in Huddersfie­ld, which is to pass into local authority ownership KIRKLEES COUNCIL

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