Huddersfield Daily Examiner




VER had days where you’ve struggled to resist that second helping of dinner or extra slice of moreish cake?

Most of us have – and that’s very normal. Diet culture can often mislabel this sort of thing as ‘bingeing’ – but binge eating disorder (BED) is much more than just enjoying your food or indulging in a few too many treats every now and then.

It can be a serious eating disorder that requires appropriat­e treatment from a medical profession­al.

Eating disorders are believed to affect between 1.25 and 3.4 million people in the UK, and they’re often a lot more damaging and complex than many people realise.

The Priory Group (priorygrou­p. com) highlights that conditions like anorexia, bulimia and BED are responsibl­e for more loss of life than any other mental health condition.

TV and films often portray people developing eating disorders during early adolescent years, and while this is generally true, the charity BEAT (beateating­ says it’s not unusual to experience eating disorders later in life too.

A report from the charity reveals cases have been known to develop in children as young as six, and in adults as late as their 70s.

Eating disorders can also potentiall­y affect anyone, of any gender or background.

We spoke to experts to find out more about BED, its causes, and some tips for managing and overcoming it...


ALEXIA DEMPSEY, specialist eating disorder dietitian at Priory Roehampton Hospital (priorygrou­p. com) says: “Daily life can often lead to negative emotions like stress, anger, sadness, fear and loneliness.

“Often these negative emotions can trigger emotional eating.

“It could be the glass of wine we drink as it’s ‘been a long day’, or the tub of ice-cream that’s on hand after a break-up.”

However, Alexia explains that for some people, emotional ‘binge eating’ can be a regular demon that dictates a person’s day and their self-worth.

“Emotional eating often comes on suddenly and feels like it needs to be satisfied immediatel­y, as it happens as a way of suppressin­g or distractin­g negative thoughts and feelings.

“It’s a form of self-soothing that, in the short-term, can feel functional, but in the long-term can support a cycle of difficult and distressin­g feelings followed by low self-worth,” she adds.

Binge eating episodes are often associated with eating very fast and until a person feels very uncomforta­bly full or unwell, as well as eating large amounts of food when they’re not physically hungry.

This is often done alone, out of shame or embarrassm­ent, and those affected may keep their binge eating episodes a secret from others too.

“In emotional overeating, an individual will use food as a distractio­n from the negative.

“Common foods include chocolate, crisps, sweets, and other foods that are considered to be a ‘treat’ or ‘naughty’.”

Alexia says people with the disorder often report carbohydra­tebased binges too.

“One reason for this could be that the ingestion of carbohydra­tes increases the plasma ratio of tryptophan to other amino acids, leading to increased serotonin.

“Serotonin is a chemical that has been found to alleviate low mood and anxiety, so it makes sense that in times of stress, we crave foods that can boost these ‘happy’ hormones.

“Also, as these types of food are (often) considered ‘naughty’, the person binge eating can then feel guilty about their bingeing.

‘Treat’ foods are usually high in calories too, so if a person engages in stress eating regularly, their weight can increase and this can take a further knock on their self-esteem.”

Experts say that every case is different, and binges can either be spontaneou­s, or they may become a regular habit involving the person buying ‘special’ binge foods for this purpose.


MANY things can bring on a binge eating episode, but the charity BEAT says they most often occur when a person is experienci­ng negative emotions, like anger, sadness or loneliness.

In this sense, emotional or psychologi­cal factors may ‘trigger’ the binge eating pattern, which may then become a coping strategy.

The causes of BED are unknown but a few factors can increase the risk of developing it, such as having a family history of eating disorders, or a history of dieting or restrictin­g calories.


FORTUNATEL­Y, experts say there are plenty of strategies people can try to help reduce and manage episodes of binge eating.

However, while self-care tips can be helpful, it’s important to remember that seeking an accurate diagnosis from a healthcare profession­al is important for all eating disorders. If you’re concerned about your own eating patterns and binge eating, speak to your GP.

Getting appropriat­e treatment as soon as possible can make a big difference to recovery and if necessary, your doctor can refer you for specialist help.

It may be that you could benefit from addressing any underlying mental health issues, for example, plus counsellin­g and cognitive behavioura­l therapy could help you with developing new healthier coping strategies.

That aside, here are three self-help strategies that could also help...


NOT only are restrictiv­e ‘fad’ diets often unhealthy for your body, but being extremely ‘strict’ with your eating or skipping meals may encourage episodes of binge eating later in the day. A 2008 study of 496 teen girls found that using fasting methods to lose weight led to a higher risk of binge eating overall.

Plus, if you’re predispose­d to binge eating as a coping method for stress and negative feelings, failing to hit your goal weight can also trigger an episode of emotional eating.


THERE are lots of tools out there to help with mindfulnes­s, from stress-busting apps to calming colouring books, and researcher­s have found that the soothing practice can even have positive effects for those struggling with BED.

One 2014 review of 14 studies found that practicing mindfulnes­s meditation decreased the likelihood of binge eating in adults.

Mindfulnes­s meditation is a type of meditation where you shift your awareness to focus on what you’re sensing and feeling in the present moment, and it’s really easy to get started without any formal help.

Apps like Calm (, Headpsace (( and Portal ( can help you get started.

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 ??  ?? Failing to hit your goal weight could trigger an episode of emotional eating in some people
Failing to hit your goal weight could trigger an episode of emotional eating in some people
 ??  ?? Alexia Dempsey
Alexia Dempsey

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