Huddersfield Daily Examiner



IMAGINE being told you could win a pot of cash – but only if you convinced your kids to ditch screen time? An impossible feat. Spare a thought then for Clare and Matt Bremner, the first to take part in this parenting programme dressed up as a game show.

Rylan Clark-Neal, obligatory host of almost all shows, tells the couple: “Welcome to the Bremner Show.

“Your house is now the set of our brand new game show.”

Their house has been rigged with the cameras as they believed they were taking part in a parenting documentar­y.

But the idea is that they actually take on a series of bespoke challenges, while their kids remain none the wiser.

If Clare and Matt can find the parenting skills needed to get through the round, they win cash, with a possible £10,000 up for grabs.

But with three moody and unco-operative teenagers on their hands, it’s going to be a tough challenge.

“They’re rude, they’re grumpy, they’re frustrated,” says Matt. “Everything annoys them.”

Nial, 16, compares being told to clean the kitchen worktops to SAS training.

Imogen, 13, says: “You get used to all the yelling”, while 15-year-old Sarah declares: “I’d get rid of everyone but the dog.”

Matt and Clare’s first secret task is to get the kids to school on time – without shouting – for a £500 prize. If they think that’s a struggle, just wait until they have to ban laptops, telly and mobile phones for nearly 24 hours.

Let’s just say, Channel 4 may not need to pay out much in winnings.

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