Huddersfield Daily Examiner

New plans for district are adding insult to injury


IT seems developers are reinventin­g the planning wheel and the peoples of Netherton and district (that must include Honley and South Crosland, the affected adjacent villages) are asked to comment on a proposal overwhelmi­ngly rejected by the local populace with 500+ objections the first time it was presented!

Indeed, despite public meetings; a petition with 1,624 signatures; involvemen­t of our local MPs, the developer ‘adds insult to injury’ by increasing the numbers to 250 in this latest planning farce!

Moreover, the public must now write yet again to Kirklees planning and state why ‘we’ object to nearly 300+ more cars entering Netherton Moor Road (to meet traffic from Honley travelling to the M62) let alone passing a primary school en route! So, Kirklees council planners/SPC committee members, vital questions still remain unanswered: where are the school places for dozens more children as the ‘Section 106’ developmen­t funding may not be in place? How are the ‘overworked’ village doctors/ dentists/social infrastruc­ture to cope? And the major flaw: how does this village cope with the absolute ‘chaos’ on its surroundin­g roads?

Notwithsta­nding, waiting in the wings are another 105 homes proposed between Henry Frederick Ave and South Crosland.

Hence the proposal must fail until these matters are resolved, as Kirklees planners closed their ears years ago when they first gave ‘approval’ and signalled the destructio­n of our Green Belt.

Let us again say NO!

Alan Knight,

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