Huddersfield Daily Examiner

No apologies for Spain travel move


Pike after receiving a call from Cumbria Police.

The team said the dog was displaying signs of pain in her rear legs and was refusing to move as she came down from the summit of the mountain with her owners on Friday evening.

A spokesman said: “Having team members with their own

FOREIGN SECRETARY Dominic Raab has doubled down on the UK’s sudden decision to reimpose strict quarantine rules at short notice on travellers returning from Spain, calling the measures “absolutely necessary”.

But Spain said it was in conversati­on with the UK about exempting the Canary and Balearic islands, which includes Ibiza and Mallorca, from the requiremen­t to self-isolate for two weeks.

Foreign minister Arancha Gonzalez Laya argued Spain had coronaviru­s outbreaks “perfectly controlled” after the European country recorded more than 900 fresh daily Covid-19 cases for two days running.

Ministers announced on Saturday that holidaymak­ers who had not returned from Spain and its islands by midnight would be forced to quarantine for 14 days after Covid-19 second wave fears saw the popular holiday destinatio­n struck off the UK’s safe list.

The Foreign Office guidance advising against all but essential travel to mainland Spain does not include the islands but ministers pampered pooches at home, and also our very own muchadored search dog Jess, we recognise the distress that both an animal can feel and also that of their owners.

“Therefore ... when Cumbria Police contacted us about a St Bernard dog (Daisy), who had collapsed whilst descending from the summit opted to apply blanket quarantine arrangemen­ts across the Spanish territorie­s.

Ms Gonzalez Laya told reporters: “Spain is a safe country for tourists and Spaniards.

“Like in any other European country we are seeing outbreaks – the outbreaks in Spain are perfectly controlled.”

She added: “At the moment our dialogue efforts are focused on excluding from the quarantine measures the Balearic and the Canary Islands.

“We do hope that this dialogue we have started with the UK authoritie­s, together with the government­s of the Balearic and

Canary Islands, will bear fruit shortly.” It comes after Cabinet minister Mr Raab said the Government would not apologise for failing to give notice on its Spain decision, which was announced only hours before the changes came into force.

He told Sky News’ Sophy Ridge On Sunday programme: “The data we got was on the Friday, it showed a big jump right across mainland Spain.

“That was then assessed yesterday afternoon and we took the decision as swiftly as we could.

“And we doing so.”

Mr Raab added: “We’ve always said, as we come through the lockdown, we would need to take targeted measures.

“If we can’t do that, the risk is the virus gets back hold in the UK, the damage to the economy of a second lockdown and I think a blow to public confidence.

“So, yes, these measures are decisive and swift and, as a result of that, inconvenie­nt for those going through them ... but they are absolutely necessary.”

can’t make apologies


 ??  ?? A MOUNTAIN rescue team has said its members “didn’t need to think twice” when they were called to help a 121lb (55kg) St Bernard which had collapsed while descending England’s highest peak.
Sixteen volunteers from Wasdale Mountain Rescue Team spent nearly five hours rescuing Daisy from Scafell
Members of Wasdale Mountain Rescue Team rescuing Daisy the St Bernard WASDALE MOUNTAIN
RESCUE TEAM of Scafell Pike and therefore unable to carry on, our members didn’t need to think twice about mobilising and deploying to help retrieve Daisy off England’s highest.”
The team said: “After a little persuasion, and of course plenty more treats, the 55kg Daisy very quickly settled down.”
A MOUNTAIN rescue team has said its members “didn’t need to think twice” when they were called to help a 121lb (55kg) St Bernard which had collapsed while descending England’s highest peak. Sixteen volunteers from Wasdale Mountain Rescue Team spent nearly five hours rescuing Daisy from Scafell Members of Wasdale Mountain Rescue Team rescuing Daisy the St Bernard WASDALE MOUNTAIN RESCUE TEAM of Scafell Pike and therefore unable to carry on, our members didn’t need to think twice about mobilising and deploying to help retrieve Daisy off England’s highest.” The team said: “After a little persuasion, and of course plenty more treats, the 55kg Daisy very quickly settled down.”
 ??  ?? Dominic Raab
Dominic Raab

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