Huddersfield Daily Examiner

Embarrassi­ng Bodies was cheeky but it helped people... I’m very proud of it


DR DAWN HARPER is never surprised if people rush up to her in a supermarke­t or restaurant and ask, ‘Do you mind if I show you this?’ – before revealing a rash, lump or some other symptom they’re worried about.

“It’s just part of the job,” she says. “Sometimes the T-shirt’s up and the boobs out before they realise they’re on the high street! But being a GP means your work doesn’t stop at the surgery door. If you mind that, you’re in the wrong profession,” Dr Dawn adds. “People feel they know me because they’ve seen me on TV.”

The 57-year-old – who works in an NHS practice in Stroud, Gloucester­shire – starred alongside fellow doctors Christian Jessen and Pixie McKenna in Channel 4’s Embarrassi­ng Bodies for almost a decade. She’s also appeared on This Morning, advised parents on Born Naughty, and is the author of 10 health guides.

“I’m very proud of Embarrassi­ng Bodies. It’s cheeky and lured you in with a bit of voyeurism, but also educated you along the way,” she recalls. “I think it helped people tackle issues which in some cases they’d worried about for years.”

Embarrassm­ent is still a big barrier though – and one ‘taboo’ problem Dr Dawn is determined to tackle is vaginal dryness in menopausal women.

She hopes to encourage women to get help for this “silent” menopause symptom, which can cause them to “give up on a sex life” and affect their relationsh­ips, as well as causing physical discomfort and impacting their self-confidence – but is actually easily treatable.

“It’s very sad that millions of women go through this but can’t speak about it,” says Dr Dawn. “If people aren’t telling me, they’re probably not telling anyone else.

Too many people let embarrassm­ent stand in the way of getting help.”

Vaginal dryness is thought to affect half of menopausal women and occurs because of falling oestrogen levels. Symptoms can include a sore, itchy feeling around the vagina, discomfort or pain during sex, a need to urinate more often, and urinary tract infections.

Hormone creams or pessaries are often prescribed or hormone-free Vagisan MoistCream is an alternativ­e, says Dr Dawn.

Here, she talks to us about coping as a doctor during the pandemic, surviving starvation and dehydratio­n on a tropical island, and why cycling has become her passion... future. I’ve also been busy giving interviews as a TV doctor and I’ve done podcasts focusing on health issues, including the virus, which I hope has been helpful to people.

BEING an NHS GP keeps me in touch with what’s worrying people, and working in TV and radio helps me reach more people, so for me it’s a brilliant mix.

I’d love Embarrassi­ng Bodies to return. It’s sort of sitting on a shelf in Channel 4, so you never know. One of the most rewarding aspects was seeing people whose whole demeanour and appearance had altered because they were free of the strain on their emotional wellbeing, of a problem which might not even have been that significan­t but was totally weighing them down.

IN my job, I’m reminded on a daily basis that things can change very quickly and life can go belly up when you least expect it. So I’ve always believed in making the most of every day and not wasting time.

Of course, I’ve had challenges – who hasn’t? Mine have been having two of my children born prematurel­y, being involved in a serious road accident, which involved two years rehabilita­tion, and going through divorce, which was awful.

I lost loads of weight, couldn’t sleep and really struggled emotionall­y. You do get through things with time, and I think it makes you more empathetic to other people’s problems when you’ve suffered yourself. again. When I was able to manage that, I started cycling regularly.

I’m a great believer in clouds and silver linings because cycling’s turned into my passion, which I might never have discovered if it hadn’t been for the accident.

I now cycle up to 10 miles three or four times a week, and I’ve taken part in charity cycle rides to Paris, Amsterdam and Brussels.

I’VE always been a quite positive person – the glass is always half full not half empty for me. I’m quite driven, so I enjoy being busy and I don’t brood on things.

One outcome of lockdown that my partner Jack and I have enjoyed, is going through our address books and contacting friends we’ve lost touch with, or know live alone.

It makes you value contact with people and realise how good it is to talk, and how silly to let time go by.

Even though I love glamour, I’m a country girl and love pottering around and a long walk with my dogs. Now and then, I have to tell myself to slow down and prioritise.

I follow the advice I give patients... write down things which stress you out, and work out the ones you can tackle and the ones you can’t do anything about. It usually works.

Dr Dawn Harper is working to break taboos around ‘silent’ menopause symptoms, and is encouragin­g women to get help with easily treatable conditions such as vaginal dryness. For more details, visit symptoms/vaginal-dryness

 ??  ?? Dr Dawn Harper wants us all to
get over our embarrassm­ent about problems and get help from doctors
Dr Dawn Harper wants us all to get over our embarrassm­ent about problems and get help from doctors

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