Huddersfield Daily Examiner

Addict jailed for breaking into gardening firm

- @examiner

A DRUG addict who burgled a gardening business in Holmfirth while on an electronic tag has been jailed.

Luke Goler stole thousands of pounds’ worth of tools and computer equipment from a site in Bottoms Mill, on Woodhead Road.

The 32-year-old was jailed for a year and four months yesterday, after pleading guilty at the first opportunit­y to burglary.

Prosecutor Ian Cook said the business owner locked the site up for the weekend on Friday, July 24 this year.

Mr Cook said that, when the man returned on Monday, July 27, he found the building had been broken into through a boarded-up window and ransacked.

He found a number of items missing, including computer equipment, cutting equipment and pipes, a lawnmower, a strimmer, a drill and agricultur­al shears and plates.

Leeds Crown Court heard the safe had been opened with a key that was kept in the office, but nothing valuable was inside.

The business owner made enquiries in nearby businesses and was told Goler and another male had been seen carrying heavy bags away from the site.

Officers arrested Goler at his home in Church View, Holmfirth, at 6pm on July 27 and recovered the computer equipment and shears from the property.

Goler’s neighbours also saw him and another male carrying a heavy piece of machinery.

Mr Cook said Goler was voluntaril­y being monitored by an electronic tag at the time and it confirmed his location at the scene of the burglary.

Goler made no comment in his police interview before walking out of it.

The total cost of the outstandin­g stolen goods was £2,450.

The court was told damage caused to the site was in excess of £2,000, and the loss of work for the family-owned business was also in excess of £2,000.

In a statement, the victim said he is worried that the business he built over the last 10 years will fall and that Goler will target it again.

He also said that he and his son go to the site and check on it every evening, but he still struggles to sleep at night.

Goler has 61 previous conviction­s for 104 offences, including burglaries.

Rebecca Young, mitigating, said her client suffers from drug addiction, attention deficit disorder and severe anxiety and depression.

She said he had been making progress while using a drug blocker and a methadone prescripti­on, managing to secure accommodat­ion and an apprentice­ship, which his family had bought equipment for.

But Ms Young said that when Goler stopped taking his medication and fell ill, others suggested he take part in the burglary and he “foolishly” agreed, adding: “He is disappoint­ed in himself and mortified, having made such progress with his drug addiction.”

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