Huddersfield Daily Examiner

The Dems’Trump card


FOR someone who says she hates politics, Michelle Obama this week delivered Americans one of the most compelling moral arguments against Donald Trump’s presidency. Appearing at the virtual Democratic National Convention in support of Joe Biden’s bid for the White House, the former First Lady showed why she is regarded as one of the best communicat­ors on the planet.

In her 18-minute address, she commanded more respect, offered more empathy and gave more hope to Americans than Trump has managed in the past 18 months.

Her mission was clear from the get-go – speak to the hearts and conscience­s of those who have witnessed the chaos of the last four years and now ache to make everything alright. It was a masterclas­s in campaignin­g.

She was not just trying to put the President down, she was trying to pick America up.

“If you take one thing from my words tonight, it is this: if you think things cannot possibly get worse, trust me, they can; and they will if we don’t make a change in this election.

“If we have any hope of ending this chaos, we have got to vote for Joe Biden like our lives depend on it,” she said.

Then, in her sole utterance of his name, she said: “Let me be as honest and clear as I possibly can. Donald

Michelle Obama proves the best messenger for the moral case against the President and sounds alarm over his bid to steal the election Trump is the wrong President for our words Trump has used to dismiss country. He is clearly in over his the 170,000 US deaths from the head.” coronaviru­s pandemic he has so

Mrs Obama accused the US leader badly mishandled. of sowing “chaos” and “division” and Mrs Obama threw more shade showing a “total and utter lack of than a solar eclipse. empathy”. The mother-of-two warned that

“I know a lot of folks are reluctant Trump would do everything he could to tune into a political convention to stay in the Oval Office, and the right now or to politics in general. only way to stop him is to vote him Believe me, I get that,” she said. “You out in overwhelmi­ng numbers. know I hate politics.” Already Trump has tried to throw

She also spoke of the many failings the November 3 election into of “this White House”. jeopardy with his attack on the

It was as if Trump was beneath validity of postal voting and the serious considerat­ion, undeservin­g withholdin­g of vital money to of more than a passing remark. the mail service, all this amid

At one point she uttered the accusation­s post boxes are being phrase, and not just by coincidenc­e, removed.

“it is what it is” – the very same It should come as no surprise.

If you take one thing from my words tonight, it is this: if you think things cannot possibly get worse, trust me, they can...

Post offices around the world help bring people together. Of course, Trump wants to destroy it. He has made clear he’s willing to steal this election if that’s the only way to “win.” Already his heist has begun.

He’s ready to destroy all faith in American democracy. To make matters worse, he is surrounded by cronies – career politician­s who put their own personal gain before their duty to the people.


Mrs Obama revealed nothing we don’t know already when she said: “He simply cannot be who we need him to be for us.”

Her words so hauntingly described what it feels like to live in Trump’s America.

Readers of this column will know, I was often no real fan of Barack Obama. On the global stage, he appeared weak, while his decision to involve himself in Brexit by offering his opinion, was inexcusabl­e.

But in comparison to what

America and the world have been forced to endure over the last four years, the contrast between him and his successor is like night and day.

While in the White House, Barack Obama was masterful at inspiring minds and touching hearts. Appearing on America’s TV screens and speaking to people in the privacy of their homes, Michelle Obama may even be better.

What is it they say? Behind every good man...

 ??  ?? Obama and Trump’s styles are night and day
Obama and Trump’s styles are night and day

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