Huddersfield Daily Examiner

Pc’s killers to have sentences reviewed


THE prison sentences handed to Pc Andrew Harper’s killers have been referred to the Court of Appeal by the Attorney General for judges to decide whether they were too lenient.

Suella Braverman was asked to review the terms after Henry Long, 19, Albert Bowers and Jessie Cole, both 18, were jailed for manslaught­er at the Old Bailey last month.

Pc Harper, a Thames Valley Police traffic officer, got caught in a crane strap attached to the back of a car driven by Long as the teenagers fled the scene of a quad bike theft in Berkshire.

He was dragged to his death on August 15 last year along dark country lanes.

Long was sentenced to 16 years in prison, while Bowers and Cole were handed 13-year jail terms by Mr Justice Edis after they were each cleared of murder.

The case was referred to the Attorney General under the scheme which allows crime victims, their families, prosecutor­s or the public to ask for a review of sentences they believe are too low.

Ms Braverman can only ask the Court of Appeal to review a sentence she considers to be “unduly lenient”, usually in cases where the judge is believed to have made a mistake or imposed a sentence outside the range of what is reasonable. She said yesterday: “This was a horrific crime which resulted in the death of a much-respected police officer while he was on duty, protecting his community.

“Having personally considered the details of this shocking case, I have decided to refer the sentences of Pc Andrew Harper’s killers to the Court of Appeal.

“Attacks made against emergency workers will not be tolerated and offenders should be punished with the greatest severity for such heinous crimes.”

On Wednesday, Bowers and Cole lodged applicatio­ns with the Court of Appeal seeking permission to challenge their conviction­s and sentences in a move described by Pc Harper’s mother Debbie Adlam as a “kick in the stomach”.

Their case is likely to take place on the same day as Court of Appeal judges consider whether their sentences should be increased at a hearing later this year.

Ms Adlam told the PA news agency yesterday: “I’m pleased to see that the Attorney General Suella Braverman has taken the important step of referring the sentences to the Court of Appeal under the Unduly Lenient Sentence scheme.

“My family and I know that the whole nation stands with us in outrage at the sentences handed down to my son’s killers.”

 ??  ?? Henry Long, Jessie Cole and Albert Bowers were jailed for manslaught­er last month
Henry Long, Jessie Cole and Albert Bowers were jailed for manslaught­er last month
 ??  ?? North London-born
Mica Paris began filming scenes in summer and will debut as Ellie Nixon in September
North London-born Mica Paris began filming scenes in summer and will debut as Ellie Nixon in September

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