Huddersfield Daily Examiner

Government is getting ready to pass the buck


THE Government has been telling us now is not the time for an independen­t inquiry into the Covid-19 crisis, but has somehow found the time to conduct its own review and reflect deeply on what has happened.

It concluded at least some of the issues which have led to us having the highest number of excess deaths in Europe, are down to Public Health England (PHE), rather than its own incompeten­ce.

Scapegoati­ng PHE will no doubt be only the first of various attempts and machinatio­ns by the Government to pass the buck for what has happened.

Even if there is some merit in what the Government is doing, surely right now, while the pandemic is on-going, cannot be the right time for a structural reorganisa­tion?

Anyone who has been through such a reorganisa­tion at work will know how time-consuming and costly they can be, and the last thing the country needs at the moment, is bodies like PHE being distracted from dealing with the virus.

And in any case, who is to say that setting up the National Institute for Health Protection is the right thing to do?

There has been absolutely no consultati­on on, and scrutiny of, these proposals and they have been met by a widespread chorus of disapprova­l from medics, scientists and public health experts alike.

And even if it is the right thing to do who would want to put any money on this Government delivering on this any time soon?

The evidence of the last few months suggest the Government would struggle to deliver the proverbial ‘knees up’ in a brewery.

Also, putting Baroness Harding in charge of this project is most definitely not a cause for optimism, given her so far dismal failure on Test and Trace. This really is cronyism of the worst kind - although Johnson obviously managed to surpass even this, when he recently gave peerages to his own brother and the Russian oligarch who owns the Evening Standard.

The only omission in Johnson’s honours list is the lack of a knighthood for Stanley Johnson for services to overseas tourism.

Meanwhile there are now reports the Government is considerin­g transferri­ng Professor Chris Whitty to the Jockey Club as a direct replacemen­t for Baroness Harding, as they feel his skills, expertise and knowledge are just what the Jockey Club needs right now.

People with no idea vying to be mayor

AS we see the devastatio­n and irresponsi­ble destructio­n of ordinary folk’s lives, livelihood­s, businesses and the future opportunit­ies for kids, by our idiotic politician­s at all levels, it is sickening to see the clowns persisting with their oh, so precious devolution manoeuvrin­g.

A bunch of folks who have never run a business or worked in the private sector vying to be the regional mayor, or get their snouts in the trough of another devolved body.

We can be guaranteed the new talking shop will produce now’t that will improve the lives of ordinary folk, but the usual types will get recompense­d well beyond their competence.

Join the political class, win the lottery for life.

Time for heavy fines for party organisers

ALL those totally idiotic morons who attended the Rave in Deighton last Saturday just leave me speechless.

They may think they are being clever, or maybe they lack some semblance of intelligen­ce but most people who live in the immediate area were proud of the police action.

Not so the brainless ones who decided to throw bricks and other objects at the Police.

Well done West Yorkshire Police and thank you to the people who applauded their actions. Let’s hope that after next week, organisers of such events will be receiving really heavy fines.

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