Huddersfield Daily Examiner




A MUM says she feared for her life when her ex-partner threatened to kill her over a dispute about contact with their two children.

The woman was subjected to a series of unwanted contact by Mohammed Zubair Bashir while he was subject to a restrainin­g order.

Bashir, 29, of Parker Road, Thornhill Lees, Dewsbury, was jailed for a year and a half after pleading guilty to five counts of breaching the order.

Prosecutor Keith Allen said Bashir was made subject to a restrainin­g order in relation to the woman at Kirklees Magistrate­s Court on August 30, 2018.

Mr Allen said Bashir texted his ex on March 13, May 29 and July 1 last year in relation to contacting his children.

He breached the order again by driving into the street where she lives and was sentenced separately for that incident in January this year.

On January 8 this year, the victim was walking along Dewsbury Road when Bashir drove past, beeped his horn and shouted out the car window: “F**king b***h. Why you f**king me over in court?”

When he drove past, she hid in a ginnel where she saw him driving up and down the road, seeming to look for her.

In a statement, the victim said Bashir had caused her misery, adding: “This incident is the latest in an ongoing saga. I fear for myself every time I go out.”

On February 13 this year, the woman was the passenger in a car driven by her new partner when she saw Bashir parked on the side of a street with another male.

She told her partner to pull over as she did not want Bashir to follow her home.

Leeds Crown Court heard Bashir called her a s**t and a s**g and angrily shouted: “I’m going to kill you.”

In a statement, the victim said: “I am sick of this now and want him to leave me alone. At the time he said it, I genuinely feared for my life.”

Kate Riekstina, mitigating, said her client has realised during his time on remand in custody that he needs to hire a solicitor and get a court order to get access to his children instead of contacting the victim and her

I am sick of this now and want him to leave me alone. At the time he said it I genuinely feared for my life family.

She said he plans on applying for contact through the family court.

Ms Riekstina said Bashir supported himself and his diabetic mother by working as a bed delivery driver for Highland Furniture Ltd before he was remanded in custody and in prison he works on an informatio­n desk helping inmates with applicatio­ns.

She said he is in a new relationsh­ip and trying to move on with his life.

Bashir appeared in court via video link from Armley jail for the sentencing hearing.

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