Huddersfield Daily Examiner

How to find a graduate job in the era of Covid-19


ITH recent falls in employment rates, and many people having been furloughed or even facing redundancy due to the pandemic, 2020 is a very tough year for the jobs market.

And for recent graduates with little previous experience in the world of work, getting a foothold on the career ladder may seem like an impossible task right now.

The new reality of the jobs market may look nothing like what you had hoped for. But if you can avoid focusing on a narrow career path, the situation may appear less bleak.

So how can you approach the jobs market more successful­ly? Here, Georgina Brazier, a graduate jobs expert at, which connects graduates with companies, shares some top tips... industries recruiting at different times.

WHILE there’s a tendency for people to see ‘grad jobs’ as those which are in consultanc­ies, finance, marketing, for example, don’t just think about treading the same old path.

There are new and exciting graduate opportunit­ies available in less traditiona­l graduate sectors, such as retail, which will let you put the skills you learned at university into practice.

USE this time to really get to grips with how your dream industry works, what they are looking for in an employee, and how you can best market yourself for it.

Job titles often vary between companies, so make sure to do as much research as possible, or use a graduate jobs website to make sure you’re putting your time into applicatio­ns aimed at recent grads. and email. Check in, seek advice and build your network – whether that’s virtually or socially distanced.

IF you’ve got time on your hands at the moment, use it to rework your CV.

This could mean adding new and relevant work experience, ensuring you’ve included all of the ‘soft skills’ you learned at university, switching up the layout, or even looking to develop a few versions, tailored for different industries.

Take as much time as you can when putting together an applicatio­n to make sure you focus on matching your skills to the job descriptio­n, and relaying this in both your CV and cover letter.

TRADITIONA­L face-to-face interviews are hard, but socially distanced video interviews pose new challenges.

It’s key that recent graduates practice presenting to a camera, and are able to sell themselves virtually, as much as they would in person.

WHY not join a skill-based training session, take up an online course, or work to overcome your public speaking nerves? If you’re applying for jobs in different industries, focus on your transferab­le skills. Work to bolster and develop existing and new skills, making you as employable as possible.

IF you’re on the hunt for a graduate role, you may need to apply for a stop-gap job to keep busy and pay the bills. Be reassured that this is common – and it will also help you to enhance your skill set.

If it isn’t the job you’d always intended to do, it’s still an opportunit­y to try something new or different. And you never know your ‘dream job’ could be something you hadn’t considered previously.

BUSINESSES across several sectors are still recruiting recent graduates, looking for those who can help them hit the ground running.

Remember that by staying open-minded and applying for a range of positions, you will be giving yourself the best chance of being successful.

 ??  ?? Stop-gap jobs may lead to unexpected opportunit­ies
Use any free time to update your CV
Don’t stop learning
Stop-gap jobs may lead to unexpected opportunit­ies Use any free time to update your CV Don’t stop learning
 ??  ?? Finally, remember the current
situation won’t last forever
Finally, remember the current situation won’t last forever

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