Huddersfield Daily Examiner

£30k fines for rogue landlords



ROGUE landlords in Kirklees could be hit with big fines if their properties are found to be unsafe or substandar­d.

Kirklees Council has embraced housing enforcemen­t legislatio­n and beefed up its policy on housing-related offences.

That means private landlords who allow their properties to be overcrowde­d or who fail to comply with improvemen­t notices could be slapped with a fine of up to £30,000.

Failing to install smoke alarms can lead to a £1,000 fine - and £5,000 for subsequent breaches.

Landlords who let private properties that are not energy efficient may also face fines of up to £5,000 per property.

And landlords must ensure national standards for electrical safety are met and that their rented properties are inspected and tested by a qualified and competent person every five years.

A copy of the inspection report should be supplied to the tenant.

Failure to do so could also be met with a £30,000 fine.

The civil penalties are an alternativ­e to prosecutio­n in England.

A report to the council’s decisionma­king Cabinet said the policy “is intended to prevent the small number of rogue or criminal landlords, property managers or letting agents from profiting from renting out unsafe and substandar­d accommodat­ion.”

They also want to deter other people from doing the same thing.

Senior councillor Cathy Scott (Lab, Dewsbury East) said the council was “committed to driving up standards in the private rental sector.”

And she warned that some people were falling victim to letting services that were using virtual walk-through videos to present properties to unwitting clients.

She warned: “They are not the actual properties that they’re getting. I had one yesterday that was ready to move in. [The renters] were signing up and when they arrived it was full of damp. It had a leak in its roof and smashed windows.

“The reason why these policies are so important is that we have got to crack down on these unscrupulo­us people that are renting properties. It’s about protecting the general public.”

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