Huddersfield Daily Examiner

Boris has more on his plate than Churchill did in ’39


Quentin Blake, author and illustrato­r, 88; Tony Hicks, The Hollies musician, 75; Benny Andersson (pictured), ABBA musician, 74; Joel Garner, former West Indies cricketer, 68; Dennis Wise, former footballer, 54; Zara Larsson (pictured), Swedish musician, 23.

WITH reference to the letter from Mr Trevor Woolley (Feedback, Examiner, December 12) I would like the chance to reply, as follows!

Don’t be depressed Mr Woolley! Just think it could have been Jezza, the original Neandertha­l Man, representi­ng us in Brussels! What a fiasco that would have been!

Wouldn’t you agree Liverpool is in the north of England, albeit North West? If so are you not aware the schoolchil­dren there had their tests weeks ago?

No! I do not believe children from one part of our great country are more important than any other!

Have you thought, perhaps, Jason cannot explain to you why this should happen? After all, according to your views he is from the north and he will not have been told!

As for the looks of Mr Johnson, don’t you think he has much too much on his plate? Probably more than our greatest leader Winston Churchill in 1939! Covid-19, Brexit and all the media on his back Borisbashi­ng, in particular the BBC, when he is trying to obtain the best results for us? I do!

No wonder he looks frazzled!

Leadership on virus

WHAT magnificen­t leadership on the part of Matt Hancock and Boris Johnson as regards coronaviru­s.

The swift action of the government to deal with fresh spikes of the virus simply underlines this.

The fact that a new variant of coronaviru­s has been identified so quickly also proves what a great job the scientists are doing.

People should be very careful, think about their local NHS, and ultimately save lives.

May God bless all of our citizens here in the United Kingdom.

What’s in a name?

FEEDBACK, September 20, SMD: “I have a few names for the group, nowt’s reet, allus reet, moaning together, our biased viewpoint or reds delight.”

Feedback, December 14, SMD: “If you don’t agree with me that’s fine but don’t try and use the lack of my name as a stick to belittle me with. In other words please grow up.”

As someone once said: “If you can’t take a little criticism, then don’t criticise others.”

 ??  ?? St David’s Church, Holmbridge, by Norman Clee
St David’s Church, Holmbridge, by Norman Clee

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