Huddersfield Daily Examiner

Carpet stain? Let us spray


- By WAYNE ANKERS @examiner

A MUM has hailed WD-40 as an amazing and unexpected carpet cleaning hack after it removed a stubborn stain from her carpet.

Lisa Youell, 43, had tried everything to remove a deep red stain from her stairs carpet.

The stain happened when youngest daughter Melody dropped some Asda toy red sand on the carpet.

Over the next few months Lisa, a mum-of-four who lives in Shelley, tried numerous cleaning products in a bid to remove it.

She even tried bleach but that would not shift it.

In a final attempt Lisa called in a handyman to fix it by replacing it with a carpet offcut.

But instead he asked if she had tried WD-40.

Lisa was unsure, but they gave it a go and the carpet came up looking new.

She posted on Facebook: “Just had our local handyman around to replace a piece of our carpet which has been stained by kiddies’ coloured sand.

“He told me to use WD-40 on it, I did and I didn’t have to even scrub it! Took me 5 seconds to rub it off!

“I’ve had the carpet profession­ally cleaned, used numerous cleaning substances on it as recommende­d by the toy company when I made a complaint and good old bleach didn’t even remove it!

“Thanks for your top handyman tip! Share this post for all the other poor carpets ruined by slime and coloured sand.”

And she said: “At this time of year there are so many new toys and people knocking things over and staining and ruining carpets.

“I would never have thought of WD-40 but most people have it in the house and it is definitely worth a try.”

 ??  ?? Lisa applies the WD-40 and, left, the stain is gone
Lisa applies the WD-40 and, left, the stain is gone
 ??  ??

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