Huddersfield Daily Examiner

A laugh, a song and a greet... this is what we should do at New Year


NOBODY celebrates

New Year like the Scots,

and in non-Covid times,

huge street parties in Edinburgh and

Glasgow attract hundreds

of thousands of revellers from all over the

world. And global New

Year traditions from

first footing to Auld

Lang Syne all have their

roots in Scotland too.

This year the street parties are on hold,

but Pride of Scotland

is the perfect way to celebrate a rousing Hogmanay.

Pride of Scotland co-host Elaine C

Smith says the show includes all the elements

of a perfect Hogmanay

– “a laugh, a song

and a greet. This is what Scotland should

be doing at New Year, honouring people

for what they’ve done. “What a fantastic

idea to do this going

into the bells, particular­ly year in a like we’ve had

when ordinary people’s individual acts

of heroism on a large

and small scale has

made such a difference

to people’s lives.”

Scots-born TV presenter Kirsty

Gallacher is teaming

up with Elaine and

she couldn’t be prouder.

She says: “What

an uplifting way to

end a challengin­g and

difficult year.

“I’ve got such lovely memories of growing

up in Edinburgh so

it’s super to be back in my

home country for such

a special reason.”

Warming up:

McFly will be performing

Let’s get this party started:

FROM the swirling opening bars of a lone piper, to a barnstormi­ng rendition of Leave A Light On by Tom Walker, brilliant music runs through Pride of Scotland.

Tom is joined by the

Red Hot Chilli Pipers for a very special version of his double-platinum hit that will have you dancing around your front room.

And chart-topping band McFly do the honours at midnight, leading up to the countdown to the bells, which will be followed by a firework display that lights up the skies over Glasgow.

 ??  ?? Tom Walker rehearses
for the big night
Pipers kick off proceeding­s
Tom Walker rehearses for the big night Pipers kick off proceeding­s

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