Huddersfield Daily Examiner



THE Duchess of Cornwall sprung a right royal surprise on charity boss Dame Laura Lee in one of the show’s most unmissable moments.

Dame Laura is the driving force behind Maggie’s, the groundbrea­king Scottish charity that is transformi­ng cancer care.

She thought she was being interviewe­d about charity work at Clarence House when the Duchess walked in and said: “I’m afraid I’ve got you here under false pretences. I’ve come to tell you that you’ve won the Pride of Scotland award for your outstandin­g contributi­on to Maggie’s.

“Goodness me you deserve it. What you’ve done for Maggie’s is incredible. Maggie’s wouldn’t be where it is without you and to think that you started off as an oncology nurse and you’ve given so many people with cancer some hope and inspiratio­n.”

Laura was 17 when she left home in Peterhead to train as a nurse. She wanted to work with cancer patients so she could offer them help and support over a sustained period. Today, 37 years later, Laura’s compassion­ate, caring ethos forms the DNA of the world-leading cancer charity that she helped to bring to life in the grounds of her Edinburgh hospital.

Maggie’s Centres help cancer sufferers with everything from emotional support and dealing with the effects of treatment to advice on money worries. The original idea came from one of Laura’s patients, Maggie Jencks. It was her dream to provide a homely environmen­t for patients, unlike the windowless corridor where she had been left to process the news her breast cancer was terminal.

She would often talk about her vision with Laura. The two became close friends and worked on the initial plans together, poring over designs at Maggie’s hospital bedside. After Maggie died in 1995, Laura, along with Maggie’s husband Charles, made sure that vision became a reality.

The following year the first Maggie’s Centre was opened in Edinburgh, in a beautiful new building designed by leading architect Richard Murphy. Since then, as CEO of the charity, Laura, 54, has overseen the opening of 24 centres across the UK and three internatio­nally, all designed by leading and award-winning architects, with 280,000 visitors every year.

She is proud of the charity’s

Scottish roots, and said: “To be given a Pride of Scotland award by Her Royal Highness, as a very proud Scot, this is fantastic.”

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