Huddersfield Daily Examiner

Incoming mayor looks forward to ‘very busy year’

- By TONY EARNSHAW Local Democracy Reporting Service @LdrTony

THE next Mayor of Kirklees will be Conservati­ve councillor Nigel Patrick.

The Holme Valley councllor’s wife Judith will be mayoress.

Labour councillor Mahmood Akhtar, who represents Batley East, will be deputy mayor.

The formal announceme­nt of Clr Patrick, currently the deputy mayor, brings to an end the uncertaint­y over the role as no changeover happened last year.

That means the current mayor and mayoress, Labour’s Mumtaz Hussain and wife Noreen, have been in place since May 2019.

He is the first mayor to serve two terms since Kirklees Council was formed in the local government reorganisa­tion of 1974.

Frustratio­n over the lack of a transition bubbled over last September when Tories accused the Labour leader of Kirklees Council, Shabir Pandor, of “holding the civic office to ransom”.

Clr Pandor said the event had been cancelled as part of the impact of the Covid-19 health emergency.

He revealed that Labour’s group, constituen­cy and branch meetings were not going ahead, which had prevented the change-over from taking place.

However, Conservati­ves said Kirklees Council was capable of holding a mayor-making ceremony like other authoritie­s and that internal wrangling within the Labour group had prevented it.

The new civic team for 2021-22 has now been formally announced by the council, with Clr Patrick taking over from Clr Hussain when he steps down on May 19.

Clr Patrick has represente­d the Holme Valley South Ward for almost 20 years. He was elected in 2002 when he was the chairman of Holme Valley Parish Council, having served as a parish councillor since 1995.

Clr Patrick said: “Myself and Judith are both looking forward to meeting up with people and visiting communitie­s across Kirklees again after what has been a difficult year for everyone.

“Hope and optimism has come with the vaccinatio­n programme and the once empty civic diary was starting to fill with engagement­s. The aim is to fill the diary and have a very busy year.”

Outgoing mayor Clr Hussain said it had been “an honour and a pleasure” to serve the borough.

He said: “We have met so many inspiratio­nal people across the borough and witnessed communitie­s come together through difficult times.

“I wish the incoming mayor and mayoress every happiness in their new roles.”

Clr Akhtar said: “I look forward to being part of the civic team and working alongside Clr Patrick. It’s an honour to be selected as this year’s deputy mayor.”

Clr Patrick has chosen the Holme Valley Mountain Rescue Team as his mayor’s charity.

 ??  ?? Clr Nigel Patrick and his wife Judith are the next Mayor and Mayoress of Kirklees
Clr Nigel Patrick and his wife Judith are the next Mayor and Mayoress of Kirklees

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