Huddersfield Daily Examiner

It’s OK to discuss your funeral

- Think about the flowers you might like

THERE aren’t many of us who’d find it easy talking to family about death. But it’s reassuring to know that discussing your funeral plans with loved ones can ultimately be a comfort to them.

For when a relative passes away, it’s often a consolatio­n to those left behind that they were able to fulfil their final wishes. That’s why it’s so important to let others know what you’d like for the service and so on.

And talking and planning early means you can choose a truly personalis­ed funeral that reflects you and your unique character.

Planning ahead also means you can take care of funeral costs – which spares grieving relatives extra distress at a difficult time.

Raegan Drew, a funeral director for Co-op Funeralcar­e, says it’s important to normalise the subject, so speaking about death now can really help. It can also be heartening to know you’ve taken a lot of worry away from those close to you.

“Even knowing what song someone might like to be played can be a great help to a person who is grieving,” says Raegan. “Feeling they’ve been able to do something for the person who has passed away can bring them some peace of mind.

“It’s the same for those who come to discuss their funeral plan with us. It’s not morbid; we have a cup of tea and a chat, and I think they leave feeling relieved that everything is sorted.”

Planning ahead can be simple with Co-op Funeralcar­e. You can organise and pay for your funeral in advance. There is a choice of four fixed funeral plans along with a tailored plan for your individual requiremen­ts. With this bespoke plan, it’s possible to choose elements that reflect your personalit­y and interests in life, allowing others to more easily celebrate the life someone has led as well as mark their passing. Arrangemen­ts can be kept simple, or there are more elaborate choices for those who want to decide on everything – from floral tributes and orders of service to the type of coffin and the route of the cortege.

Whichever you decide, it gives you peace of mind that your loved ones are protected from rising funeral costs and saved from making difficult decisions when you’re gone. And it makes sure that your funeral is exactly how you want it to be.

So remember, it’s OK to talk about death and start planning your funeral now.

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