Huddersfield Daily Examiner

We can sympathise over ‘neighbours from Hell’


REGARDING the article by Andrew Robinson [Friday, February 26] regarding ‘neighbours from Hell,’ I know it’s probably no consolatio­n but we have suffered exactly the same problems.

We live in a small community area originally designated for over 55s. Three or four years ago young male tenants were housed in the flat above us and we’ve suffered ever since with the same noise happening day and night.

Despite complainin­g to KNH, police and our local MP, we have got absolutely nowhere.

The tenant is still there and we are always on edge waiting for the next occurrence.

A poem for Sir Tom

AS you walk the stairway to heaven, St Peter said: “Good day Sir, come on in,

“Take your rightful place, for you are a man without sin.

“Your fortitude and determinat­ion, should make us bow our heads and say a prayer today,

“For the Lord saw fit to call you home, come on in let me show you the way.”

Your courage will not be forgotten,as you walked in your garden so bright,

You walked for the NHS as they fought their mighty fight.

The people of Britain salute you Sir, as we say our tearful farewell,

The people of Britain salute you Sir, as of your heroism we will tell.

Your life will not be forgotten, by your family you will be a part of their soul,

To the rest of the nation you’re a legend, loved and remembered by us all.

Ross is the boss of TV

ANYONE fed up with most of the twaddle on TV and needing a bit of therapy should tune into ‘The Joy of Painting’ with Bob Ross on BBC4 7.30-8pm Monday to Friday – brilliant.

As for Ramsey’s Bank Balance, I won’t be watching that again, I can’t weigh it up.

 ??  ?? Friendly donkey enjoying the sunshine by Estelle Cox
Friendly donkey enjoying the sunshine by Estelle Cox

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