Huddersfield Daily Examiner

My priority is my boys’ wellbeing and keeping home fun



F you’ve ever shuddered at the question, ‘What sort of music do you listen to?’ for fear of not sounding cool enough – take a leaf out of Alex Jones’ book. She knows a good tune is all about the joy.

“If anyone else listened to my headphones while I was running, they’d be appalled! Unless they also like motivating themselves with The Greatest Showman,” confesses the presenter, best known for fronting the BBC’s much-loved The One Show. “I have got, by other people’s standards, the worst taste in music. I know my husband certainly thinks so, but I think it’s obviously the best.

“I do like a bit of Adele, Michael Bublé, Sam Smith – anything I can sing along to and I’ll be there doing 10 squats. I just don’t care!

I maybe get half an hour, 40 minutes to myself, and I just really try and enjoy it.”

Alex has teamed up with AXA Health on its new Feelgood Health campaign (hence the squats talk).

Here Carmarthen­shire-born Alex, 43, who now lives in London with husband Charlie Thomson and their sons, Teddy, four, and Kit who’ll be two in May, tells us more about her own approach to life.

This campaign is all about the feelgood factor and not putting too much pressure on things - is that something you relate to?

Exactly. You can feel pressure with all these people achieving amazing things in lockdown.

It’s very easy to give one version on social media, you don’t see the whole picture, but there are so many people doing the most complex yoga – I’m like, ‘Oh god!’ We’re all up against it in some way or other – this is about just finding a playlist that puts a smile on your face and helps you get through this shambles, really.

Music changes your mindset and can really alter your mood. Just putting music on in the kitchen can really transform your day.

For Teddy’s fourth birthday recently, we put his kind of playlist on – Frozen songs and all the greats. Just that, a bit of a bubble machine, and all four of us danced like maniacs in the kitchen. It was really fun. you’ve got to find those opportunit­ies really.

I suppose you look at what your priorities are, in a situation like this, because it’s impossible to stay on top of everything. Some things have to go aside.

I really thought about it, and I thought: ‘OK, I really do have to go to my job every day, because that’s always given us a routine and has helped keep things normal’.

But my priority is my boys’ wellbeing, really.

I was listening to podcasts on double speed – I swear it was making me run faster

Alex presenting The One Show with Gethin Jones

Even though this is a very odd time, I don’t want them to look and it and think there’s something odd going on, because it’s quite scary and full-on.

Teddy’s like, ‘Mama, will we be doing socially distanced?’ And when we go to the supermarke­t, he’s asking, ‘Have you got your mask?’

It is scary for somebody who’s literally just become a little boy from a toddler.

So our real priority is keeping at home fun, so if they do remember any of it, they remember it as a time that we were all together a lot. I think that’s all we can do, really.

So, I want to try to do a good job there, but everything else – if the washing is piling up, or the kitchen looks like it’s been burgled, which is does – you can’t do it all, can you?

Well, we did lay down an extra layer of misery to January by doing Dry January and Veganuary – I don’t know what we were thinking!

But it’s been good. I’m not a huge meat-eater and we try to educate the boys about the planet and practice what we preach with that.

You do find you have to cook from scratch more, and we were eating vegetables like nobody’s business! I’m not sure it’s something we’ll keep up, but we’ll probably try to have meat maybe once or twice a week, instead of every day.

It’s the dairy really – I can’t give up tea with normal milk. A cup of tea is everything. And Dry January – we’re not keeping that up longterm, but it’s a bit of a reset. Maybe we’ll avoid having wine during the week.

Apart from that, it’s just about doing something small for me, really. I’ve just started doing beginners’ yoga, and I’m so bad, but it’s just 10 minutes a day while the munchkins are upstairs, and feels like I’m doing something.

And we have our little discos in the kitchen – you can burn quite a lot of energy doing that.

I love listening to podcasts, I find them very relaxing – although for a while, I didn’t realise I was listening to them on double speed.

One day I was in the studio and said to a colleague, ‘The thing that bugs me about podcasts is everybody talks really quickly’. They were like, ‘You’ve got it on double speed’.

I swear it was making me run faster because they talked so quickly.

I’ve always eaten quite healthily. Growing up, if we wanted dessert, it had to be fruit, you know? I think for me, you kind of find your way, don’t you – by your late-30s, early-40s, you understand who you are and what you need.

For me, having two young children – which is full-on but, gosh, I wouldn’t change it for the world – it’s about finding a little bit of time on my own, and having that reset.

I have to get outside, because I can’t just sit still and be in the house too long – getting outside resets me. Just going for a walk; that feeling of being out in the elements really grounds me.

Alex Jones is the face of AXA Health’s Feelgood Health campaign. To create your unique motivation­al playlists, visit AXA Health’s Feelgood Health Hub (axahealth.­alth/the-hub)

The One Show is on BBC1 week nights at 7pm

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young boys, The One Show presenter
Alex Jones just catches a break where she can
With two young boys, The One Show presenter Alex Jones just catches a break where she can
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