Huddersfield Daily Examiner

Relax and let problems of Brexit wash over you


HAVING spent many decades working for a large internatio­nal company and being a union member all of those years, I have come across many “Mirfield Michaels” in my time.

Many times we would have an industrial dispute whose vote result was predetermi­ned by the far left (communists) in our union. When we voted we abided by the result even in the knowledge that there had been collusion. Raised hands count just like a cross on a ballot paper.

The EU referendum vote was a straight first past the post; there were no winners or losers. Leaving the EU carried the day but hold on people such as “Mirfield Michael” are still unhappy probably because it was a fair vote and in their eyes they lost. Or to coin Barry Sheerman, “Uneducated people voted to leave”. And people still vote for this man?

Michael, you need to learn to let go and relax. Let these problems wash over you. In time, you will come to embrace the sovereignt­y which has been wrested back from the EU dictatorsh­ip. Liz Truss (MP) Secretary of State for Internatio­nal Trade and President of the Board of Trade is developing new trade deals around the globe. She and her team are also developing new trade hubs which will channel the economic benefits of internatio­nal trade directly into Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland, and the North of England. What’s not to like, oh sorry she is a Conservati­ve.

I don’t like to say this, but perhaps you should change where you obtain your news. And please remember that other people have a viewpoint which may not match yours, but that doesn’t mean they are wrong. It’s just an opinion and accept that.

There are a growing number of Feedback writers who on the face of it are hell-bent on criticisin­g others and having the last word. Why, you may ask? The answer is simple, they are the far hard left. Their aim is for us to fail. Now how sad is that?

Irony of ‘nay-sayers’

FOLLOWING Mr Bray’s feedback March 20; I will have to add a complete lack of self-awareness to his sins!

The irony of pleading with the Examiner to print left-wing commentary from a left-wing German newspaper criticisin­g a centre right German government about its handling of the pandemic is wonderful; to quote Mr.Bray, “nay

Bring the cable car!

THANK goodness – it looks as though once again we can get some refreshmen­ts on Castle Hill!

Let’s hope Barry Sheerman’s idea of a cable car to the site (October 2019) will come to fruition as my legs and lungs aren’t what they were when the whole debacle started.

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