Huddersfield Daily Examiner

Feedback Remember who suffered when time comes to vote


IT was ironic that the Tory party local election broadsheet arrived at my door at the very moment of the minute’s silence in memory of those killed by Covid. One might say that national politics should not impinge on local government. If only it were thus!

The Tory government has, since 2010, cut millions of pounds from every local authority’s budget forcing cuts across the country.

Even Tory controlled Northampto­nshire found it impossible to manage and went broke. So to blithely promise to spend more on police and transport and to invest in local services, while

Letters will not be included unless you include your name, full postal address and daytime telephone number (we prefer to use names of letter writers but you can ask for your name not ignoring the cuts made by the government and condemning any council tax increase is to say the least, dishonest.

Likewise the NHS. The Tories are apparently ‘Investing in our NHS.’ But it was the Cameron government that cut the annual increase to below inflation, leaving the service less well prepared for the pandemic than it might have been.

And now Jason McCartney (MP for Colne Valley), it seems, is ‘leading calls to split Kirklees,’ finally jumping on another passing bandwagon. I imagine the Conservati­ves think this will leave Huddersfie­ld and the Colne Valley as a safe Tory local authority. Well, they should not count their chickens. The crisis of the last year has exposed huge cracks in social structures. For example, many families have little spare cash and the Tories proved incapable of understand­ing or even caring about the hardworkin­g people who relied on free school meals to feed their children over the holidays.

Huddersfie­ld and the surroundin­g valleys were not immune to these difficulti­es and may remember who has been in charge.

Make your stand against branch closure

RE: Closure of the Yorkshire Building Society in Holmfirth.

If like me you are annoyed by this decision, then now is the time to let the powers that be know your anger.

You will be receiving your voting for this year’s AGM.

I suggest you vote against the re-election of the directors.

Take a look at all of them at the top

IF Mr Johnson is responsibl­e for exporting Covid (S Dorril, Feedback,

March 30), should we blame President Macron alone for a condemnati­on of the AstraZenec­a vaccine’s safety that spread ‘French resistance’ to the Oxbridge jab?

Or is an underlying problem French citizens who have not had the opportunit­y to wave ‘au revoir’ to unelected autocrats in Brussels – who apparently dithered over the management of vaccine contracts?

 ??  ?? Where paths align with gold by Neil Richardson, Kirkheaton
Where paths align with gold by Neil Richardson, Kirkheaton

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