Huddersfield Daily Examiner

It shouldn’t take a cancer in the family to make us start checking ourselves for it


WHEN someone close to us gets cancer, it can be a wake-up call to pay a bit more attention to our own health. Love Island’s Chris Hughes doesn’t think it should be this way though.

“It shouldn’t be like that, where it takes somebody in your family to actually get cancer to kick you all into gear. We want people checking themselves and for that to be completely normal, really. We want to be proactive, not reactive,” says the 28-yearold model and TV personalit­y.

He’s teamed up with KP Nuts and men’s health charity Movember to encourage men and anybody with testicles to check their testicles routinely.

Back in 2018, Chris underwent a live testicular examinatio­n on ITV’s This Morning, to highlight how important and easy it is to check for anything unusual. Loads of viewers were inspired to check themselves as a result – including his brother Ben, who found a lump the next day and was then diagnosed with the disease.

Ben, who is now cancer-free, credited his brother for saving his life. The pair, who’ve always been close (Ben is older by a year) went on to make a BBC documentar­y together – Me, My Brother And Our Balls – in which they also explored male infertilit­y (Ben’s treatment affected his sperm production), and the mental health impact of these issues.

The most common cancer in young men, around 2,500 cases of testicular cancer are diagnosed each year in the UK and Ireland.

If caught early, it’s easily treatable with a 95% survival rate. “But that’s not really comforting to the one in 20 men who doesn’t survive,” says Gloucester­shire-born Chris, who came third in 2017’s Love Island.

KP Nuts did some research which showed a third of men don’t check themselves for lumps and bumps the recommende­d once a month, while 9% said they’d never checked Still more concerning, a fifth don’t know how to check themselves.

“When you’re in the bath or shower is the easiest time to check, and it’s important people check regularly because then you know what you’re feeling for, and if you find something that doesn’t feel natural to what you’ve felt before, you know then to get it checked out,” explains Chris.

“And you also know, for your own peace of mind, [if it is cancer] you’ve caught it early.”

Chris is also known for his love of sports, especially golf and horse racing – he’s also a presenter on ITV Racing. We caught up with him to chat about health, life and golf...

I will go and get checked for minimal things...I’d rather have the peace

of mind

I’ve already had four operations on my testicles [Chris was treated for varicocele, enlarged veins in the scrotum, during his teens], so we have had complicati­ons in our family around these things.

I get quite bad health anxiety. If something doesn’t look right or feel right, I panic more than I probably should and I’m very cautious – that’s just me, I’m not embarrasse­d to say it, although you can be labelled a hypochondr­iac. But if something doesn’t feel right, I will go and get it checked, and I will go and get checked for minimal things because I’d rather have the peace of mind.

It [the cancer] definitely had knock-on effects though. My brother now is struggling with his fertility and obviously that affects you mentally, because it starts to drain you and eat you up. It is tough. These things are all real, so it is important we look after ourselves.

More fitness, really. Playing golf is massive for me. Golf courses – being able to get out for four or five hours a day is so good, it’s so stress-relieving, you’re in an open field, it’s brilthemse­lves.


Chris says being on the golf course helps him de-stress

liant. Also just going for a walk and going to the gym. Just the feeling of getting outdoors, being in the sun.

I have to be active and keep my mind occupied. I’m never satisfied with what I’ve got, I always want more, whether it’s work or whatever, and I feel like it’s a good thing because it keeps me motivated. But I can’t just relax, unless I’m watching sport.

It’s not really a mantra, but I never take myself too seriously. I think you get far more enjoyment out of life if you’re a bit more laidback and can enjoy things and almost take the mick out of yourself too. It loosens you up.

Also, when I feel stressed or say I’ve got a million things on the go, it fries my brain completely. I struggle with mentally setting things out in my head, so I have to have a diary to write things down. I swear I couldn’t live without a proper diary.

And I don’t really live with any regrets, because I always feel like at the time, it was what I wanted to do or felt like the right thing to do.

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Chris Hughes
Love Island star Chris Hughes
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