Huddersfield Daily Examiner

Feedback Thank you for enabling me to cast my vote


I ARRIVED home last Thursday evening after a stay in hospital. I had expected to find my postal vote in the pile of accumulate­d letters and circulars, but apart from a brochure setting out the details of the mayoral election and candidates, there was nothing.

Next morning, I phoned Electoral Services. They took details and phoned back. I would receive a new ballot in a white envelope; I was to disregard anything else that might arrive in the regular post as that would have been cancelled.

On Saturday morning, my new voting papers were delivered by hand. From an e-mail I received

Letters will not be included unless you include your name, full postal address and daytime telephone number (we prefer to use names of letter writers but you can ask for your name not subsequent­ly, I gathered that staff were working over the weekend and on Bank Holiday.

A big thank you to Kirklees Electoral Services and the dedicated staff who have given up their Bank Holiday to ensure that we are all able to exercise our right to vote.

Judge what they do

MR (Trevor) Woolley’s Boris/ Conservati­ve paranoia is showing no signs of abating. Letter after letter to the Feedback column he expresses his loathing with the present government simply because they are the leading political party.

I must say that Sir Keir is doing a great job of keeping them in power with his constant finger pointing and muck slinging rather than some solid policies. No policies equal no ideas.

Huddersfie­ld has had a

Labour MP for 40-plus years, and we hear nothing from Mr Woolley therefore we must assume he is happy with Mr Sheerman.

Kirklees’s administra­tion is run by Labour with extremely mixed results, yet we hear nothing from Mr Woolley.

The common denominato­r is Labour. In his eyes they can do no wrong which is the most dangerous form of bigotry.

For myself, if you do a good job and look after the community as a whole rather than bits and pieces of it then you will get my vote. At present that will not be Labour both locally or nationally.

Saint preserve us?

ST Boris the Great’s acolytes still eulogise his single-handed defeat of the coronaviru­s with a little help from the 1.4million who work within the National Health Service – but mainly him.

The same NHS that because of his delay in imposing the first lockdown, as it countered his libertaria­n beliefs, very quickly started to run short of not only Personal Protective Equipment but body bags...

A bit early to beautify him in that sense but you try combing his hair.

THIS Saturday, May 8, should be Golcar Lily Day.

As I don’t want it to pass unnoticed I am planning to hold a virtual afternoon tea at 3pm.

Anyone can join in with a nice warm drink, a tasty cake and memories of all the things we would have been doing on this day. I am doing it as a fundraiser, but it’s not essential.

Counting down to May 14, 2022!

 ??  ?? Blossom by the Waterside by Wendy Horner
Allan Jenkinson,
Blossom by the Waterside by Wendy Horner Allan Jenkinson,

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