Huddersfield Daily Examiner

Shaken AND stirred Woman went into labour during cocktail night out with friends... but had no idea she was pregnant


Lavinia Stanton, 23, experience­d “the shock of her life” after welcoming her little daughter Willow into the world last month.

The now mum-of-one left the restaurant at 10pm after experienci­ng stomach cramps, which she later found out were contractio­ns.

Lavinia then decided to visit her mum’s house nearby.

Mum, Amanda Hardcastle, waited an hour before calling 111 and was told by the caller to attend hospital if her daughter’s pain continued to get worse.

They made the decision to drive to her local A&E at 2am where Lavinia was asked to do a urine sample.

Within minutes doctors confirmed she was actually in labour.

A shocked Lavinia was rushed to the labour ward with baby Willow born via C-section weighing 6lb 1oz at 8.54am.

Just ten hours earlier the support worker had been enjoying Pornstar Martinis on a night out with her two close friends completely unaware she was eight-and-a-half months pregnant.

She said she had periods throughout the hidden pregnancy and had two negative pregnancy tests just weeks before her surprise bundle of joy arrived.

Both she and her partner, electricia­n Cameron

Wroot, 25, have spent the past few weeks getting their head around being first-time parents.

Lavinia, from

Halifax, said she thought the few extra pounds she had put on was just

“lockdown weight.”

She added: “At the start of the pandemic I wouldn’t have thought

I’d have a daughter near the end!

“But she’s here and Cameron and I are in love with her!”

 ??  ?? A WOMAN who had no idea she was pregnant went into labour during a cocktail night out with friends.
Lavinia Stanton has no idea she was pregnant with baby daughter Willow
A WOMAN who had no idea she was pregnant went into labour during a cocktail night out with friends. Lavinia Stanton has no idea she was pregnant with baby daughter Willow
 ??  ?? Lavinia and partner Cameron with baby Willow
Lavinia and partner Cameron with baby Willow

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