Huddersfield Daily Examiner

Conservati­ves are united, unlike ‘fractured’ Labour


ONCE again we have a writer to the Feedback column dragging up the old worn out chestnut called the NHS.

Mr Verguson speaks as if he knows how much the Conservati­ve party has pushed into the NHS over the time they have been in office.

Well it’s more than the Labour Party, that’s for sure.

His bash-the-Conservati­ves letter was in regard to me trying to say that one of our local MPs, that being Jason McCartney, was a solid performer when it came to supporting the people who he represents.

So if the gentleman performs well in representi­ng his constituen­ts, why would they vote for someone else? But no, that wasn’t good enough for Mr Verguson – he wants to put a depressing political spin into his reply.

In one sentence he praises the man, in the next he disparages him and the Conservati­ve Party.

The Conservati­ves in the main vote the party line, it’s called party unity. Labour at one time did the same but no longer manage as they are a fractured party. When you have an MP calling other MPs scum, is there any wonder the Labour Party loses voters? This same MP was speaking in the house some months ago stating that MPs needed to respect other members! This from the Labour Deputy Leader, it makes you wonder how good the rest are.

As for the stopping of the temporary increase in Universal Credit, temporary increase being the operative word, Mr Verguson.

One lady on the radio complained the loss of the temporary increase could mean she could be unable to repair her car if it broke down!

Martin, Huddersfie­ld High pay comes at cost

I’M not an economist but it seems that our disgracefu­l Prime Minister might not have considered the full implicatio­ns of his latest wheeze.

I like the idea of a high wage economy but just wait a minute here – wouldn’t higher wages mean that prices would rise so that employers can afford to pay the high wages?

So doesn’t that mean that the cost of living would go up?

Just a thought!

Trevor Woolley, Linthwaite

 ?? ?? Shades of green in the sunshine by Wendy Horner
Shades of green in the sunshine by Wendy Horner

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