Huddersfield Daily Examiner

Campaign bidding to promote EU re-entry


- By PHOEBE TONKS @examiner

A GROUP of Remain activists are hoping to rally support for the European Union by forming a new campaignin­g group.

The Holmfirth group, called Cafe Europe, is a local initiative to bring people together from across the political spectrum and unite them through their shared support and commitment to Europe.

Through a series of talks, guest speakers, active discussion­s and film screenings, Cafe Europe will debate and organise in an attempt to bring about re-entry to the EU.

Organiser Stephen Dorril said: “Five years on since the referendum, it is clear that Brexit is turning out to be worse than predicted with every sector of the economy and cultural life being affected.

“Economists now recognise that people’s wealth and incomes will be permanentl­y downgraded by five per cent on top of the effects of Covid.”

Despite Kirklees voting overwhelmi­ngly to leave back in 2016, there has been a recent and more favourable shift towards Brexit regret in the region, largely due to the way the exit process has been handled by the government which has only been amplified by the added pressures of the pandemic.

Mr Dorril continued: “The opposition parties have shied away from confrontin­g the Government on the issue. Groups such as Cafe Europe are there to remind them that if they continue to do so, they will lose votes.

“The Labour Party may wish to court the North-East Brexiteers but it will be at the expense of those who remain committed to the EU.

“The only benefit from Brexit has been for Northern Ireland, whose economy is now thriving from being part of the EU and looks likely to be a major distributi­on centre for the UK as a whole.”

More than 17 million people voted Leave during the EU referendum, a move which led to a majority of 52 per cent of the country in favour of exit.

“As to those who say, ‘Get over it’ – sorry, this won’t go away. It is a millstone around the neck of Britain,” said Mr Dorril.

Cafe Europe will hold its first meeting as an introducto­ry opening on Tuesday, November 7 at 7pm at Holmfirth Tech. The meeting will be accompanie­d by a screening of the British Independen­t film ‘The Man in the Hat,’ with a chance to discuss where the group wants to go, share ideas and celebrate being European.

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An EU flag

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