Huddersfield Daily Examiner

Strike fears for students


A FURTHER wave of strikes at universiti­es is the “last thing” that students need or deserve amid the coronaviru­s pandemic, it has been suggested.

Professor Alistair Fitt, vicechance­llor of Oxford Brookes University and a member of the Employers’ Pension Forum, has suggested that students will “suffer” if walkouts go ahead before the end of the year.

His comments come after staff at universiti­es backed strike action in two ballots over pensions and pay and working conditions, which means students at 58 institutio­ns could be affected by walkouts.

The University and College Union’s (UCU) higher education committee will meet this week to decide next steps.

The dispute comes after a joint negotiatin­g committee backed pension proposals put forward by Universiti­es UK to deal with a funding shortfall in the Universiti­es Superannua­tion Scheme (USS).

But the UCU claims cuts to the scheme would reduce the guaranteed retirement income of a typical member by 35%.

Prof Fitt warned that no change to the pensions scheme was “simply not an option”.

He said that “ignoring the problem” and allowing contributi­ons to rise to up to 56% of payroll to cover the deficit of the scheme - as originally suggested by the

USS - would have “forced” institutio­ns to close.

Prof Fitt said: “The USS trustee has confirmed that should reforms be blocked, members and employers will face escalating contributi­on rates starting in April 2022 and rising every six months until 2025, rapidly reaching completely unaffordab­le levels that would undoubtedl­y lead to mass member opt-out and employer insolvency.

“The high quality university experience that students currently enjoy would suffer.”

Last week, 76% of UCU members who voted in a ballot over pensions backed a fresh wave of strikes, with 88% in favour of action short of strikes. Meanwhile, 70.1% of UCU members who voted in the ballot over pay and working conditions backed strikes and 84.9% voted for action short of strike.

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