Huddersfield Daily Examiner

Green light for eco homes



TEN affordable eco homes are on the way for the Holme Valley despite being built on green belt land.

The properties will be brought to the site of an old stone quarry at Chippings that sits off Chapelgate at the edge of Scholes village.

Though homes generally aren’t allowed on the green belt, the project has been given the goahead as it meets the needs of people who would otherwise be unable to live in their local area due to the cost.

This need for affordable homes was confirmed by a Housing Needs Survey provided by the applicant which council officers felt demonstrat­ed the need for ten affordable rental properties in the area.

However, some objectors have said the report is “inadequate”.

The homes will be built by EcoHolmes Community Land Trust – a Holme Valley-based charitable organisati­on set up to provide homes that people can afford to rent or buy and also afford to heat, and have reduced carbon emissions to help counter climate change.

This is the first of EcoHolmes’ projects and will see the properties built to high standards of energy efficiency ensuring lower fuel bills.

They will also feature reduced rents, secure tenancies and will only be let to people with a local connection. Stephen Sheard, Chair of EcoHolmes said: “We are delighted that the council’s Planning Committee has the vision to support 10 families who can build their lives in the villages they come from, where they have their family around them.

“With a housing waiting list of 20,000 and private rent levels rocketing, this marks a small but important step in providing extra affordable rented housing in Kirklees.

“In a rare move the homes will be built in the green belt – justified under government policy only because the homes will be only for the evidenced need of people who cannot afford to live in their local area.

“Working closely with the Holme Valley Land Charity (whose land it is) and Connect Housing, EcoHolmes have designed a small housing community using ideas gathered through consultati­on across the Holme Valley.”

During the planning process, a number of objections were raised relating to the use of the greenbelt.

Campaign group Save Our Scholes Green Belt carried out a survey which showed that of the 176 respondent­s, 90% felt the proposals did not demonstrat­e the best use of land.

However, some representa­tions were in support of the plans and say that the homes will fit in with the surroundin­g village and is a welldesign­ed developmen­t.

 ?? ECo HoMES ?? The 10 eco homes will be built on the site of an old stone quarry
ECo HoMES The 10 eco homes will be built on the site of an old stone quarry

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