Huddersfield Daily Examiner

Job is just really rewarding”


Nicolle has progressed in a career in adult social care and is now a senior support worker in Solihull

“My nan worked with the elderly and when I was in my early teens I’d go with Mum to the care home where she worked and volunteer to help feed people. I got as much from that as they did – we’d sit and chat and it developed my people skills.

“When I was 18, I started on an apprentice­ship scheme, so I was learning on the job in supported living and also going to college. In the house where I worked, there were seven people with a range of complex needs.

“I trained to become an NVQ assessor for adult social care, which I really enjoyed, and then in August 2020 joined my current company as a support worker, and was then promoted to senior.

“My role is to help the support staff, advise and guide them, and do assessment­s and care plans to ensure staff have the most up-to-date info to complete their roles.

“It’s a very profession­al team, but there can’t be that many jobs where dancing and singing is part of your day. The residents love it and will get up and join us.

“We enable them to live fulfilling lives and it is really rewarding. One lady was obsessed with chocolate and we organised a trip for her to go to a chocolate factory for her

80th birthday. Her face lit up when we told her and she was so excited – she loved the outing, especially the afternoon tea.

“Some staff climbed Yr Wyddfa last year for the Alzheimer’s Society – that’s maybe the hardest thing I’ve done here.

“The day-to-day job is so rewarding – it’s hard to explain how much I love coming to work and I can’t recommend it enough.”

 ?? ?? STERLING SUPPORT Nicolle says her job in adult social care is incredibly
STERLING SUPPORT Nicolle says her job in adult social care is incredibly rewarding

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