Councillors on opposite sides over the Shay
COUNCILLORS clashed over the future of the Shay sports ground - home to Halifax’s football and rugby league teams - following a budget debate.
Calderdale Council members approved a budget which commits it to removing the authority from its role in running the ground, home to football’s FC Halifax Town and Halifax Panthers rugby league team, saving £161,000 a year from 2025-26.
The council’s preferred option is for the two clubs to take on the responsibility, said Coun Jenny Lynn, Cabinet member for Public Services and Communities.
Coun Lynn (Lab, Park) said she wanted to make it clear the ground was not being sold.
“This is not about making a quick buck to sell the Shay.
“This is about us having discussions with both clubs who use the Shay with a view to seeing what can be arrived at for them to take responsibility for their own future, in order to alleviate revenue cuts to this council,” she said.
The Shay had not had a value put on it, as a sale was not the purpose, said Coun Lynn.
“It’s not about seeking a commercial sale, it’s about seeking to have discussions with both the clubs over the coming year to see what we can do about transferring the responsibility for that asset to themselves so they can take the future into their own hands,” she said.
Conservative group budget proposals which were rejected by a majority of councillors who supported Labour’s Cabinet-recommended budget, all set against a background of the council requiring to make cuts to balance the books, would have kept the council’s role in operating the Shay.
Coun Felicity Issott (Con, Ryburn), who said she came from a family of Shaymen, was sceptical that it would not be sold.
“The title ‘disposal of Shay’ which is what this budget item is named might be part of the problem because it sure sounds like trying to sell off the Shay,” she said.
A recent meeting between fans and a Cabinet member did not give the impression the council had faith in its sports club with the member saying people only asked him about the Piece Hall, never the Shay, said Coun Issott.
But the Piece Hall, now considered a rejuvenated asset, had only been saved by one vote in the past.
“Well, tonight it doesn’t look like the Shay is going to be saved by only one vote - it certainly looks like the Shay is going to be sold off,” she said.
Coun Issott said disposal appeared to be an “easy and short-sighted option”, and one she could not back.
“I cannot support a budget which sells off an asset that has a positive impact on so many lives in Calderdale,” she said.
Deputy Leader of the Council, Coun Tim Swift (Lab, Town) said it was right to explore alternative ways forward for the Shay.
“We know people feel emotion strongly about their sports clubs in Calderdale. It is important for the sense of community.
“But we should be able to ask the question ‘is there a better way forward for it,’” he said.