Huddersfield Daily Examiner

Victim urges rapist, 74, to hand himself in



THE victim of a 74-year-old serial rapist on the run has urged him to finally face up to his crimes – and hand himself in.

Convicted rapist Brian Green is the subject of an ongoing manhunt after he failed to turn up to his sentencing.

The fugitive was tried in abstentia and sentenced to 22 years in prison after being found guilty of five counts of rape at Leeds Crown Court in March this year.

Four of the counts related to multiple incidences of rape – of which there were at least five for each.

After an adjournmen­t, Green still failed to turn up for his sentencing on Wednesday, May 1, and is presumed to be on the run.

The court heard Green, of no fixed address, would threaten his victim during his offending in the Kirklees area.

Now his victim, whose identity is still being kept anonymous, has spoken out about how she was raped ‘hundreds of times’ by Green from the ages of nine to 13.

She said: “It took five years for this to go to court, I want the world to know what this man is.”

The victim revealed how the abuse “significan­tly impacted my life”.

“It got to the point where I tried to end my own life in 2021, it’s affected me terribly.

“In my life I have moved house 55 times, I can’t settle anywhere, I don’t feel safe anywhere.

“He knows what he’s done, he’s had a long time without facing justice – it’s time for him to face it.”

During the trial, a barrister said Green and his wife are believed to have family links to Thailand, with it potentiall­y plausible that Green has fled there to avoid justice.

Prosecutor Katherine Robinson told the court that Green would tell his victim that she was ‘ugly, or stupid.’

She said: “He said no one loved her. She suffered and continues to suffer extreme psychologi­cal harm. She was isolated.”

Sentencing, Judge Khan QC said: “Threats were made towards her [the victim] and she was the victim of controllin­g behaviour.

“It appears there wasn’t any other violence but there were threats of violence and the victim was humiliated and told she was ugly, stupid and nobody loved her and that was part of the approach of the defendant’s way of controllin­g her.

“I am satisfied the defendant was premeditat­ed in the offending.”

The judge said there were 21 rapes on the indictment, but added that ‘there was no real argument against this – there were many, many more rapes.’

West Yorkshire Police said: “Brian Green has been sentenced in his absence to a lengthy jail term, reflecting the very serious non-recent offences he committed against a young and vulnerable child.

“A warrant is out for his arrest for failure to attend at court and we would ask anyone who has seen him or has informatio­n about his whereabout­s to contact Kirklees Police.”

 ?? WEST YORKSHIRE POLICE ?? Rapist Brian Green, 74, was sentenced to 22 years in jail in his absence
WEST YORKSHIRE POLICE Rapist Brian Green, 74, was sentenced to 22 years in jail in his absence

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